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Apart from the listed problems with music libraries, sleep,alarm, wifi channel options missing and Rova issues, I’ve noticed another, forgetting Sonos systems.

This is when i leave my home system and go to work which we have Sonos, when i opened my app with the old app, this would seamlessly connect to the work system, then when i get home seamlessly connect to my home system and so on. 

Now the new app requires me to ‘join new system’ every time i go to work and come home. It doesn’t remember or seamlessly change between the 2 systems. I also tried this when going to my parents home and brothers who have Sonos. I am on their local networks and the same issue. I have to join their system, then i get home and have to join my system.


Too many bugs on the new app, and Sonos should allow us to download the old app until they sort out all the problems. Im sure once the bugs are ironed out, this new app will be a better experience. I have noticed when it is working, it is quicker on connection when opening the app.


Poor testing by Sonos, i expected better from a brand like this.


Sonos, are you listening? Do you care?  You would think Sonos would jump on this to retain customer loyalty.   But then again, they did release this piece of s%it app.

Well was looking forward to the new app, good thing I never updated my control via PC, cause the app is just a brick, all grey out even though I am signed in and it has all permissions. Needs some fixing if they want to keep me as a customer. the old saying, if it is broke, don’t fix it or update it. 

So Sonos tech support how many calls have you gotten since the release? I wonder, talk about shotting yourself in the foot with a bad release.


Anyword on a fix? Anyone?

I have no other word than “baffled” by this poorly executed release. Unbelievable in 2024 that this update passed any type of testing protocol/governance. 

1. May the street make Sonos pay for their carelessness. Dump your stock - if you have any. 
2. Pray you have an old iPhone or iPad running a previous version of the app. I have found some solace there. 

Sure wish my FIRST comment here wasn’t piling on with the rest of this very frustrated user community. 


Apart from the listed problems with music libraries, sleep,alarm, wifi channel options missing and Rova issues, I’ve noticed another, forgetting Sonos systems.

This is when i leave my home system and go to work which we have Sonos, when i opened my app with the old app, this would seamlessly connect to the work system, then when i get home seamlessly connect to my home system and so on. 

Now the new app requires me to ‘join new system’ every time i go to work and come home. It doesn’t remember or seamlessly change between the 2 systems. I also tried this when going to my parents home and brothers who have Sonos. I am on their local networks and the same issue. I have to join their system, then i get home and have to join my system.


Too many bugs on the new app, and Sonos should allow us to download the old app until they sort out all the problems. Im sure once the bugs are ironed out, this new app will be a better experience. I have noticed when it is working, it is quicker on connection when opening the app.


Poor testing by Sonos, i expected better from a brand like this.


It’s good to know I’m not alone with the new SONOS 80 issues - it’s been unusable since the 
“upgrade” for all the reasons mentioned.  My NAS is now not available, “to be included in a future version”.  It’s really disappointing they would release something so not ready for use and not fess up to the issues.  Trying to download version S1 but no luck so far - might trying resetting all the devices.  Considering looking for alternatives to SONOS.

So sad and disappointed. I have issues keeping by speakers connected since we got our system; but have found ways to get around it and get connected. Tonight we had a huge house of guests for Mother’s Day. After sharing with them the wonderful sound system we have invested in went to start it up. Bang—nothing. Could only get the arc speaker that is wired to work. None of the rest of the speakers in our entire home in or out would connect. So disappointing after spending thousands of dollars. Sonos just lost 10-15 potential customers who would have potentially invested in a system had it worked. Glad to hear it has something to do with the app; but said to read that you should access it with your laptop. I only have my iPhone available to control the system. Retired for 15 years and thought I was doing good with new technology. Retirees have the time and means and desire for great home entertainment systems. Wish the performance would live up to the hype from the store salespeople.

If you perhaps still have the Sonos S2 (gold) .apk installer for an Android controller device you maybe able to resolve this by going to ‘settings/system/networks’ and adding the Works WiFi credentials to the Home Sonos setup and then take one, or more, of the works speakers and add it to the Home system. Then simply take it back to work, where both speaker and new Sonos App should then work for you.

Alternatively, you may have to wait until the new Sonos App caters for adding additional networks, or additional Sonos Households to an existing system/controller App, which perhaps may take a while, some months, I suspect, that’s assuming Sonos has those features on their roadmap for this new App.

Good luck with that - I downgraded back to the old version yesterday via APKpure, but overnight the new version installed itself again!  I’ve turned off my entire Sonos system now, it’s been rendered useless by the new app.  That’s 10 speakers, wasted.  Well done Sonos.  Thank god I have a Roam which I can still use as a Bluetooth speaker from my phone!! 

You can set the app not to update. Find it the Play Store, click the 3 vertical buttons and uncheck the box. Works for me.

From Forbes Magazine:  

Learning From A Botched Upgrade

Here are four lessons to help providers avoid such a fate:

  1. Don’t rush the deployment of a software upgrade. Conduct rigorous testing and elicit feedback from a large diversity of stakeholders.
  2. Quickly acknowledge issues to the marketplace. Letting the community fester in the silence of the provider ensures that the situation will deteriorate.
  3. Provide the choice to return to the previous version of the software. There are times when a one-way option is the only option, but more often than not, a way to return to the original is good business. This option can be temporary as issues with the upgrade are resolved. Eventually older versions can be phased out.
  4. Never deliver an upgrade that is missing essential functions with the promise they may return in the future. While it’s okay to add new features in the future, it’s never okay to eliminate existing features people rely on and may have been the basis for their purchase in the first place.

4 Lessons From Sonos’ App Upgrade Fiasco (

Updated to new app and app can’t see my devices which were fine before. It’s an upgrade, shouldn’t need to readd. Have rebooted router, booster and about to reboot and reset all devices but not optimistic. Is there a fix coming soon. Pls advise asap. This is so amateurish for a great product,

One of many issues:
when browsing music library there is no search (in ANY of the views, artist, album etc), no a-z way of ‘zooming in’. Shocking really that anything like this with so many fundamental problems can pass testing. 
Latest (just now) ‘Music library’ has disappeared from my services/sources …..

I’m a Sonos owner of many years. I hate posting things but honestly this new update has me RAGING. Sonos have ruined my experience. It’s laggy, it’s dropped some speakers. If you asked me to recommend at this point it would be 1 million percent “NO!!!!”  
What the hell have you done Sonos????????


not sure if mentioned on thread, but connecting a new device is near impossible on new app (in Sydney Australia)

have 8 speakers all previously connected and working great, (connected two years ago). 

added a new speaker this weekend - five hours later nothing. Returned to store and bought a more expensive era100 and have wasted another two hours. I’ve set up Sonos speakers perfectly before, not hard and had no issues. 

• it’s not my internet 

• it’s not the modem


its the new app which is utter rubbish, it does the 90% of the set up and then just bombs.


preying they fix bugs ASAP 

I must have been one of the earliest Sonos customers and always praised them, but this is woeful. My system is unusable.  Suck it up, accept it, roll back.

Wow we left for a week holiday and come back and Sonos went and screwed everything up with this new App. Have you ever heard the term if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. I can’t believe how bad this App is. I guess the Sonos technicians didn’t take into effect it be user friendly for everyone. I guess that does it for my system. After buying 10 speakers this is what we get in return. Come on Sonos do better. Terrible App. 😫💩

Hi All

Just putting down issues in case somebody cares!

  • “Classical Archives” service is not working
  • Under music library cannot play a folder of music
  • disconnects from system often
  • slow to change volume



Apart from the listed problems with music libraries, sleep,alarm, wifi channel options missing and Rova issues, I’ve noticed another, forgetting Sonos systems.

This is when i leave my home system and go to work which we have Sonos, when i opened my app with the old app, this would seamlessly connect to the work system, then when i get home seamlessly connect to my home system and so on. 

Now the new app requires me to ‘join new system’ every time i go to work and come home. It doesn’t remember or seamlessly change between the 2 systems. I also tried this when going to my parents home and brothers who have Sonos. I am on their local networks and the same issue. I have to join their system, then i get home and have to join my system.


Too many bugs on the new app, and Sonos should allow us to download the old app until they sort out all the problems. Im sure once the bugs are ironed out, this new app will be a better experience. I have noticed when it is working, it is quicker on connection when opening the app.


Poor testing by Sonos, i expected better from a brand like this.


I seriously thought my phone had a virus when I saw the Sonos home page. Looks crappy. Works worse. New Coke anyone?

I did the update on my Xiaomi Mi9tPro. I'm a simple user, just radio and with the previous app no problems. 

After the update: a black screen with the Sonos logo, and it does not start. Phone/android asks if i wanted to wait or abort the app.

And after 2 minutes (!) of waiting the app starts and the system works.  Everytime i want to start the app again the waiting starts again, two minutes… Very frustrating. 
Chat employee could not do more than  reset your app, cache etc. Nothing worked, roll back was not possible.


downloaded the previous app and everything is working again (no waiting time 🙂

What a terrible update….

I won’t list all my issues with this app, most of them have been mentioned again and again and again. . . . . . . . 


Does anyone at Sonos actually take any notice of feedback? This release is SO bad that they must surely revert to the old app until they can sort out the issues.


Come on  Sonos - you have just junked a great product - and probably wiped millions off your company value . . . . . 

I echo above issues and the fact that the play bar at the bottom of the screen doesn't always appear immediately after starting the app. Sometimes it doesn't appear at all and is just greyed out. Worst update ever in my opinion. Having spent most of my career in IT, I have to question the level of competence with the developers, programmers and QA team on this. Very poor !

I hope a suitable fix update to all these issues is released in a timely manner.

I take it that the app update has not gone well then!! From my side, it feels like my whole system has been bricked by this app update. I can’t access anything and at the last reboot of my whole mesh it appeared, and when I went to play something on it, it disappeared again.


its a joke and I can’t get through to anyone to resolve. When I checked a few mins ago, it was a 95 minute wait to be answered. 
anyone got any ideas to resolve? 
Im on iOS if that helps


Really glad I found this thread. I have an ancient Play5 and I thought it had given up the ghost.

Main problem I'm having is with volume. I finally get the app to actually play what I want, then it blasts it out at top volume (sorry neighbours 😅) and I can't adjust it, via the app or manually on the speakers.

It was funny the first time. Now I feel like I need my house exorcised of a Sonos-fuelled demon.

After three days of struggling with the app update, I still can’t believe Sonos allowed this terrible software to be released. Even worse are the customer support responses that give no estimate on when (or if) the major issues will be fixed.  I’ve been a customer for a long time with 10 speakers (as others have). This latest update fiasco has me considering other companies. Shame on Sonos!


Apart from the listed problems with music libraries, sleep,alarm, wifi channel options missing and Rova issues, I’ve noticed another, forgetting Sonos systems.

This is when i leave my home system and go to work which we have Sonos, when i opened my app with the old app, this would seamlessly connect to the work system, then when i get home seamlessly connect to my home system and so on. 

Now the new app requires me to ‘join new system’ every time i go to work and come home. It doesn’t remember or seamlessly change between the 2 systems. I also tried this when going to my parents home and brothers who have Sonos. I am on their local networks and the same issue. I have to join their system, then i get home and have to join my system.


Too many bugs on the new app, and Sonos should allow us to download the old app until they sort out all the problems. Im sure once the bugs are ironed out, this new app will be a better experience. I have noticed when it is working, it is quicker on connection when opening the app.


Poor testing by Sonos, i expected better from a brand like this.


I seriously thought my phone had a virus when I saw the Sonos home page. Looks crappy. Works worse. New Coke anyone?

Yes! I thought my old phone had corrupted it 🤣

As a user of Qouboz streaming, I have encountered difficulties with the new version's compatibility with my playlists. Despite attempting various troubleshooting steps, I've found that the only way to access my library is by individually marking each track as "my favorite" to view them in Sonos under the Favorite tracks section.

This experience has been quite frustrating, as it significantly disrupts my usual usage and enjoyment of the app. 

I would appreciate it if the previous version of the app could be restored until compatibility issues are properly addressed. 

Guys you manage to launch the first downgrade in the history of your company. 

Will not come back on all issues raised so far. Worst ever update ( wrong word) and all system unusable. ( I have my all music collection digitalised over the years on a NAS. Cannot be used, cannot browse) 

So I had tonrevert back to previous versiin on my mobile device. Android. Possible with APKPure. ( uninstall Sonos app, reinstall mast version previous to 80 )  Then went to condig, both on the app manager as well as in sonos system and stipped automatic update. 

And bow waiting for next releases and hope foe the ossues to be solved. 


My experience continues to get worse. Earlier I mentioned the frustration of not being able to go from home to work.  Previously, the Sonos app would be happy enough to show whichever system was on the same network as my phone. My home system or my work system.


Now, this evening, the Sonos app on my phone just cannot see anything. It has lost or appears to have lost the home Sonos. My laptop shows the system okay. The phone app comes up blank.

What the *** is going on. This is the biggest pile of crock ever. Not only is this not an update, it’s like we are using an beta version of the software. And that’s probably a compliment!

I’m not going to troubleshoot via the app because the speakers are clearly there (see the laptop photo), and as I write this I can hear the TV playing in ‘Living Room’. So, the upshot is that the app is at fault. Really shoddy release.