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New Sonos App is sooooo slow. Literally unusable. When will this be rectified?

  • 22 June 2024
  • 8 replies

When will this be rectified? Its incredibly frustrating to know this is a no brainier rollback situation. The new app was obviously not tested correctly and is a major downgrade for usability and customer experience. Based on the feedback being received in this forum the question is When will this be fixed?

The thing is the app is only very slow for some. Sonos needs insight in why this is happening. You could call them.

The more posts I put up about the terrible new app , the slower it works. I think I’m being punished for speaking up. 

Awful , not using my system very much as it drives me nuts just trying to change volume. God help me if I try and select a room 🙈 awful. Never had issues in years of ownership but this testing me 😩

So what do we do with this, it is so slow with new app that it is unusable. Something has to be done

The more posts I put up about the terrible new app , the slower it works. I think I’m being punished for speaking up. 

Hard to believe they could make it any worse than it is now. I am building a new house soon, always assumed I would continue to use Sonos.  At this point I will need a different solution because quite frankly, Sonos sucks based on the new performance 

In some cases, this can be caused by a duplicate IP address issue. If you unplug all your Sonos devices from power, then reboot your router, you may be able to resolve this. You’d probably want to wait a couple of minutes after rebooting the router to plug in the Sonos, and then another couple of minutes before testing.

However, if this doesn’t resolve your issue, as @106rallye suggests, you should call Sonos Support directly to discuss it.

Is there any realistic fix date? This is unheard of. My system has been down since this update. I have no access to my local library nor my playlists. The 913 Error fix was to be by mid-June. Mid-June has come and gone. I’ve done the nas work around but that is less than ideal and there is no interplay with the phone controller app. 

Why can’t Sonos make the last update prior to the devastating update available?’

It is so frustrating to have invested money and a lot of time in a system for pleasure and enjoyment. The hardware is nice. But the software sucks.

I have had Sonos since the very first speakers came out. I have been loyal and updated and bought more gear over the years. But my patience is wearing very thin.

Simply starting  Playlist from the App (Android) takes several seconds.

If I use Spotify it’s insatntaneous.

I will start looking to replace my Sonos gear with something ore user friendly.
