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New SONOS App, Failure to play/queue full CD in some, repeatable, circumstances.

I keep my music on a NAS, I have a strange problem using the new App.

My apologies for the length of this post – it is an odd problem.:

I go to Music Library.  I am offered Artists; Albums etc., down to Folders.

My Folders, set up on the NAS are – Spoken Word/Books/Plays;  Classical;  Pop.

So I want to play say “Blood On The Tracks, Bob Dylan” the whole album

If I go in through Artists – Bob Dylan – Blood On The Tracks I get to the album and can Play All of it.  (I can also select individual tracks).

It is the same if I go through Albums – Blood On The Tracks.  Again I have the option of playing either the whole album or individual tracks.  Again the queue is filled and editable.

This is as it used to be.

If however I go through Folders – Pop – Bob Dylan – Blood On The Tracks I am not able to play the whole album, I can only select and play one track.  I cannot add tracks to the queue, there is just the one track in the queue.

Painful as I have always (up until the latest App) accessed my Library through the “Folders” path.

Is this how it is now designed to work, a “feature” of the New App?

10 replies

Userlevel 7
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I think in future after an update it should be possible again to add tracks to the queue to get back the same options as on the old app. 

Userlevel 6
Badge +1


I think in future after an update it should be possible again to add tracks to the queue to get back the same options as on the old app. 

Timing for this update?  Don’t hold your breath. 

Considering the Sonos silence since the ver 80 release, the insulting AMA which was just a show put on by the Sonos management, and the continuous forum postings, Sonos has other priorities than its existing customers’ issues with this app.  All that Sonos issues is words which fill lines but say nothing. 

Like many others I have rolled back to 16.1.   I am having no issues with 16.1.  There is therefore no reason other than avoiding potential legal law suits why Sonos could not offer 16.1 as an alternative for at least the next few months. 

Sonos will have its lawyers on this.  Sonos will fully understand what is happening to its existing customers and will also understand that if it came clear about the situation and the timescale for the corrections, there would be a tidal wave of legal proceedings.  Legal proceedings would bring negative publicity.  Sonos’s silence prevents both the legal proceedings and the resulting negative publicity.  Noting that to date, the negative publicity has been limited effectively to a very limited audience.

The only explanation for this situation is that Sonos has other priorities - we can all speculate what those may be. 

In the meantime, we are on our own.  Sonos will update the app to a schedule (by which I mean specific dates rather than simply stating a month) which will not be published, and for which the corrections included in those updates will not be formally advised.  Again, for legal reasons.

In summary, Sonos is fully aware that it is shafting its existing customers.  This will be because Sonos’s internal business priorities position the existing customers below its other goals.


Userlevel 7
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@Graham Kelly 

There is an official post of Sonos staff here on the community where you can find an estimated timeline for options to come back the next weeks. 
Search option will be your friend. 😉

Userlevel 3

New App will not browse to my library folders and play or que up the contents of a folder. Since the new app, it will only que ONE SONG at a time... not cool.

Userlevel 3

Yes, the new App only plays one track at a time.  If you want to play an album you must click on each track in succession after each one finishes.  There is no play or shuffle button in the new App that plays the entire album.  None of the Sonos communications about addressing the problems mention this problem.  They only mention fixes to lost features of the App.  This is a basic functionality that I would think would be the first thing to fix. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

I just can tell that (using latest firmware 16.2 / build 79.x) with latest app for iOS or Android I can play an entire album from first to last track without any issues. Source is my lokal nas Sonos music library. 

My library is stored on an old computer. Just playing the first track of the album repeatedly.  What a POS. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

My library is stored on an old computer. Just playing the first track of the album repeatedly.  What a POS. 

Just to be sure… please check, if the repeat one option is not activated by mistake. 

Hi thanks   How do I know that? It’s saying failed to queue. 
im really fed up with this, worked flawlessly for the last 9 years

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

Hi thanks   How do I know that? It’s saying failed to queue. 
im really fed up with this, worked flawlessly for the last 9 years

If the option is activated by yourself, you can find the icon in queue view on right top. 
But if you get an error message as you said, there might be another reason. 
