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App has been upgraded,  We onlu have IOS no access to Mac or Windows,


Lost ability to use alarms etc 


Can we reverse upgrade and go back?


New app is awful! so user non friendly 

No timer no alarm settings widgets on Android gone. Workaround to use desktop pretty inconvenient to say the least. Pretty much a failed roolout for me. 

Is there a way to access the alarms function in the new App?

This was a key reason that we selected Sonos over other brands, if this is going away then we’ll be glad to go back to analog alarm clocks and buy other speakers.

Last I checked Bose was still offering this feature as standard.

Developers, Please let us know that this is simply an oversight and not a permanent change.


The new app removed the alpha index from the home library. It takes half a minute to scroll through the artist list and much linger to scroll through the song list. I also don't find alarm controls. 

Why hasn't the Alarm Clock function been included in the version 80 android version?


The FAQ says it will be available at a later date.

So when does Sonos think that will be? One week? One Month? One Year?

Really disappointed that it had been included in this latest update.🤬🤬🤬

Alarm not available in version 80. No timeline when this will be updated in a future release. I updated not knowing this feature is currently unavailable. What’s the ETA when this will be put back? Terrible from Sonos. 

Turn previous ALARMS OFF now that you have no control over WHEN SONOS alarms go off?? This is completely ridiculous!

also, PLEASE stop asking me if I want “free shipping” every time I open support site! Definitely don’t want to order any new sonos products after this experience with Sonos. 


I can‘t find anymore the alarm clock, after i did the update. Where is it gone?

Dreadful update two days ago.  The alarm setting is missing and the Widget has disappeared.  Any ideas?  I can't get through to Sonos people.

I have a Sonos one and I had turned on a 7.25am alarm 3 days ago on the old app. 
Now on the new app, there is no alarm function but my alarm still went off this morning at 7.25am 

I did say last night “Alexa cancel all alarms” and she said there was no alarms set. 
How can I turn off historic alarms from the old app? 

Why have sonos removed the sleeptimer and alarm function in the new app. 

Now its useless. Not to the better site 


Is there honestly no access to alarms from the new app!?!? I’m losing my mind. I discovered this when I went to bed last night and tried to set my alarms for the next morning. From my phone. Like a normal human person. Only to not be able to find the controls in the new app and to discover from googling that I can only control my alarms from the Mac OS web interface!? So genuinely, Sonos, your expectation is that I get back out of bed, take out my laptop, turn it on and adjust my alarms from there??? I couldn’t even turn off the existing alarms from my phone, just no visibility into them at all! 

I can’t believe you prioritized shipping this update – by an entirely arbitrary deadline, let’s be honest – over maintaining basic, key functionality that your users depend on literally every day. 😤😤😤

Found answer to my issue


Can we please, please, please get the alarm clock and sleep timer back? I use the alarm every day. This whole new update is just causing issues in stead of being an improvement. Still no searching in play lists, it’s making it harder to select one speaker (I need to select both and then deselect the one I don’t want in stead of directly choosing one) and the no more alarm is really a huge issue for me. 

Hi all,

I have gathered your feedback regarding Alarms in the Sonos app from individual threads and compiled it here. I understand your frustration and can assure this feature will return in a future update, however I can’t provide an ETA on when.

If you have any other suggestions or comments, please let us know by replying here or by posting in the Sonos app announcement thread linked below:

That thread, along with all other feedback, threads, and comments regarding the Sonos app, will be closely monitored and forwarded to the relevant teams.

I woke up this morning to a terrible SONOS app.  What are these engineers thinking?  The top issue for me is the sleep timer.  The new app is very buggy and I really don’t care if there is a voice command.

If you install the new app you are effectively a non consenting BETA tester. 

Surely Sonos are at risk of having to reimburse 100% as the product now no longer has the functionality for which it was purchased?

Taking away functionality that was part of the reason for purchase thus rendering it unsuitable?

I think they should re-instate previous app and allow users to choose until they can “fix” the issue


Yeah, I have a few suggestions:


  2. Reimburse us for our useless equipment!!!

I’m not updating my (mac) desktop app as I don’t want to loose access to alarms completely, does the new web app include alarms - I’m going to guess not? 

A quick message for the users who rely on the Sonos alarm on the mobile app - a fix for now...

  1. Download the app onto your pc or mac (I am a mac user - never done this - and have always relied on the mobile app).
  2. Connect to your existing system wifi.
  3. In the main window bottom right corner - select the alarm function button
  4. If you cannot see your favourite radio station - I use to wake up to - play it through the main browser window
  5. Go back to the alarm you created and ‘edit’ it
  6. Set the music to - radio - recently listened to, It should be there.

    At least I don’t have to wake up to the siren tomorrow - phew!

Where is all the settings and my alarm on this new stupid app

How do you turn the alarms off or change the time now?  I use it for my morning alarm but now I can’t adjust the time or turn the alarm off!  It’s going to go off every morning now whether or not I want it to! This is the most utterly ridiculous and poorly thought out ‘upgrade’ of an app I’ve ever seen!  What idiot thought it was a grand idea to only partially migrate this feature?  That person should be fired.  The old app had tons of problems with maintaining connectivity but at least you could actually access the features offered!  The new one still doesn’t maintain connectivity, but now you get the added hell of not being able to turn off an alarm along with trying to navigate a useless and cluttered home page!  

What the new update fails to take into account is that one of the chief reasons we all purchased the product was that it was more than just a speaker.

If we wanted great sound AND an alarm clock/timer we’d all set up an analog system and put an alarm clock in each room.

We chose to purchase these products because, at the time, they offered more.

With each update we have lost more and more of the functionality that set SONOS apart, now they are just connected speakers, and we can buy those anywhere.

OR we can buy an alarm clock and get better sound from a stand alone speaker system and not have to deal with interface issues and updates that remove more and more features.

Please address this immediately.

How creativity can turn into stupidity. Without the alarm function no more Sonos in my house! I advise you all to sell your Sonos and go for another brand.

Totally agree with all the posts about alarms... I used it every day for work, golf, late sleep after nightshift etc, now along with various connection issues... the alarm function is gone? 

Certainly will NOT be investing any more of my hard earned.... B rediculous update 🤬🤬
