Been listening to a streaming station KPIG (Santa Cruz) for a year, without incident. Now Sonos will not connect to it, from desktop, iPhone or iPad. Will connect to local Public Radio station. Music library works fine. Deleted station and re-added it, multiple time. No problem at the station. My business tech guy is coming next week because I am so fed up, but would love to solve this on my own, and without an added expense. Anyone??
New problem with Tunein, streaming station & Sonos. Need HELP!
Best answer by Ken_Griffiths
Chris wrote:
Ah I see Ken sees problem with S1 software - I am on S2 software on my system at home.
ha ha - I see our posts crossed
The S1 App still lets me add the same URL, but for some strange reason it just will not play.
I think it’s perhaps a case for the OP to contact Sonos Support direct to see what they can discover from a diagnostic report.
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