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New app volume control issue

Updated to the new app yesterday.  When I try to use the volume sliders on a group of speakers, or individual speakers within the group, the volume does not change and the slider just pops back to the previous position.  Tried repeatedly to get it to work, no luck.


Anyone else?

I have yet to figure out how to control my arc and 300 separately.  No slider control for my 300.  Now I have “shit speakers”

Somehow, through some unknown miracle to me, I now have slider control of both my arc and my 300. I am glad for that, but I hope Sonos is reading all these comments and gets hard at work fixing these issues.

Sonos - what were you thinking?  This is a shameful app update. It has killed my entire system (12 speakers).  You really know how to crash and burn, and it appears you are in no hurry to fix these issues.  You are failing your loyal customers!

Same issues - I increase the volume and it goes back down within a few seconds. I also can’t control the volume on my TV except through the app. This update is very disappointing. I have about 12 speakers throughout my home - and it’s killed my system. I got a new speaker and tried to add it - nothing. I called tech support and was escalated twice - over 3.3 hours! All I got was “this is a known problem and we’re working on it.” Very frustrating.

Like a number of users on here have said (over 1600 comments reference new app issues) since the upgrade to the app the volume controls have too much lag and bounce all over the place like a mixing board! In the old app if the speakers were grouped, the linked volume control at the bottom moved them all. Now it doesn’t or takes too long. I’ve also noted since the upgrade if I press play on a speaker not playing music in the “living room” to link it to “Kitchen” for example rather than link it, It changes song on the living room speaker and the one I’m trying to link. 

Volume control is the #1 job of the app, and it’s failing. I’ll have the TV on which is playing sound through the Playbase. I open the app to bring more speakers in, and the app is unaware anything is playing on that speaker. If I clumsily click my way to the speaker group, I have to select the speaker that’s already playing along with others, and when I hit “apply”, all sound stops. Not a happy customer. 

This was all so unnecessary. They could have kept the old app intact and introduced a new one for those eager to mess with it. Spend a few months ironing out the bugs while their customers have normal functionality if they want it with the old app. 

Have to agree with everyone else...the new app is a backward step..particularly with the very unresponsive volume controls. I have 3no. Play 1’s a Play 3 and a Roam. Yesterday the volume worked I can only change the Roam volume if i do so on the unit itself.


Is anyone from Sonos going to reply or just take the view that “they will get used to it” and move on? Just curious.

Same issues.


I find the UI terribly confusing. “View System” is the equivalent of the old “Rooms”, but is not obvious. 

TV sound is confusing as heck to figure out.

Group volume doesn’t work at all.

UI is klunky and unresponsive.


If you’re going to force us to upgrade, please do way more testing next time!!

I couldn’t agree more.  While the updated app looks nice, it is so much more convoluted to use.  Group volume control is particularly frustrating.  The individual room volume sliders that previously appeared when adjusting group volume was so intuitive and one of the well thought out UI features that really set Sonos multiroom control apart from competitors.  Now a simple action takes digging through multiple screens with multiple presses.

Same issue - very laggy volume control, and App also doesn’t reconnect to speaker which was muted/ turned off on speaker, when trying the following day.

Same issue here, can’t change volume via the app, the slider just goes back to where it was

Same issue no volume control on my iPhone whatsoever.. came here hoping someone had found a fix but no go. Luckily wife hasn’t upgraded to this garbage so we can still control things from her phone 

Group volume control continues to be brutal! Why this has not been a priority for Sonos to fix is a mystery. 

Yup. Me too. 
Changing all my speakers at once is miserable. They are laggy and two zones don’t change volumes at all when I try to change the whole group. 

How on earth did this app get released?  What was improved?  There is so much wrong with it. 

And it’s funny how I still get ads from them. Like anybody is going to buy more Sonos components with a miserable product like this. 

As an owner of 60+ Sonos speakers (accumulated since 2011), I’m done with Sonos for many of the reasons noted by the contributors posting before me. I’ll never buy another Sonos product; they’ve lost me. The new app has essentially killed my system. At best, when the app isn’t acting so glitchy, it’s amazingly frustrating to select, play, and control the volume of music as well as which speakers will play  (thankfully, Sonos isn’t updating the legacy S1 running my early generation hardware). Sonos cannot even get something correct as basic as the volume control. The user interface design/useability is poor, and the controls are largely unworkable and unstable….more so with 30 speakers across ~10 defined speaker groups that I’m seeking to control with the new app. 

Can someone from SONOS confirm these issues are being taken seriously instead of just sending marketing messages for the new headphones? 

Can someone from SONOS confirm these issues are being taken seriously instead of just sending marketing messages for the new headphones? 

FYI they have a list of issues that they’ve updated but volume issues aren’t on it. I would assume they know, but who can say when it will be fixed.

The wash up session at Sonos HQ about the new app is gonna be one hell of a meeting!  Like loads of people on here, the new app isn’t intuitive, volume controls are too slow, volume grouping where you can raise the volume on the selected speakers or all of them seems to be non existent. On the old app one touch to play on another speaker worked fine both on the speaker itself and on the app. New version it doesn’t. 

Absolute garbage, i now no longer have a volume control for my TV connected to my Beam gen 2.

Someone should get fired for this release.

The new Sonos app sucks! The speakers are displayed, but the volume control no longer works! Do you also have a testing???? Please fix it immediately!

I can no longer use my tv remote to control volume on my tv. I MUST use the Sonos app on my phone. I have tried removing and reconnecting, bought a new tv remote, hard wired everything instead of using the wireless aspect …. No luck. 

I experienced something similar and had to remove my speakers and re add and hardwire to network. Once working again, I was able to go back to wireless.  

Good luck.  Now I hope they fix the volume issue in the new app.  

+1 Volume control is very unresponsive in the new app. It really makes the products difficult to use.

+1 The App update has ruined my system, thousands invested and crippled by an app update, SMH.  Come on Sonos, do better!

System worked as expected until I added a new speaker and volume control for the individual rooms/speakers no longer works on the app.

Have the same problem with the volume ..try turning it up, after a second it goes straight down ... I thought my husband was controlling it on his phone to wind me up but no... 

Cant listen to any of my favourite stations anymore 

Very disappointed 

Sorted it by deleting app then installing it again .. good luck