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New app Sucks!!

This new app is one of the worst apps I have ever used! I have been a high end integrator for 30 years! I love Sonos but will now have to find a new music system to sell if they don’t fix this!

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223 replies

Soooooo bad. AGAIN? My grouped systems wouldnt work, audio jumping all over. They already took away my ability to play my music off my phone (mp3s, I have my entire music collection ripped), and now THIS? WHO IS RUNNING THIS COMPANY!


I just had to roll back, and I blocked it from auto updating. This software team should be embarrassed...

I can’t figure out how to group😡

I had automatic updates turned on and woke up to this nightmare earlier today. I finally got through to someone on the support chat. He advised against going to the mirror site for old code, kinda along the lines of “you don’t know where it’s been,” my words, not his. He was generally helpful but did not resolve the problem. He kicked it up to voice support, not realizing I only started the chat while waiting in the phone tree for over an hour and thinking I might put another iron into the fire. I gave up on the phone queue. 

One of my symptoms was that all of my saved favorites went missing. Most of them were sourced from Spotify. Here’s how I got them back:

Installed the Sonos web-based app. Saw that it still had all of my content. Whew!

Uninstalled my Sonos iPhone app. 

Tried installing the old Sonos 1 app, but that got complicated and I didn’t want to go around and reset all of the speakers, especially since I am not the only user in the house.

Reinstalled the Sonos app onto my iPhone. And shazzam!, all of my content was now magically back! Whew2! 


Hope that helps.



Oh, P.S. I didn’t see an iPhone version on the mirror site, anyway, just Android. If someone could clarify the location of any iPhone mirrors, that might be useful to others.

This app crashes all the time!!!

I am so frustrated by the new app. I can’t use all the functionality of Amazon Music in the new app. For example, in Amazon Music, you can play an artist’s top songs by clicking on the first song and it continues to play through the list. In the new Sonos app, if I click on the first top song, it only plays that song with no ability to continue through the list. Just the first song and it’s done playing. The same thing happens when going to an artist’s page in Amazon, you can click the play button, but Sonos doesn’t have that option in the new app. I’m ready to sell it all off and just get bluetooth speakers where I don’t have to use a 3rd party app to play my music! 

Userlevel 1

There is nothing I can say that hasn’t been said. This app is a true disaster. Its so bad they should dump it and bring back the old one until the bugs are worked out. The app has rendered my system unusable.


Sonos please fix this now! Its ok to screw up but apologize and make it right! 



This horrendously awful excuse for an app brought me waaaay down today. Beyond depressing. Nothing works as it should, yet this thing was hyped as the holy grail of sonos apps?! What a disaster. Please bring the old one back, please. :(

Userlevel 3

The new app is so BAD, it makes the equipment UNUSABLE. 

The update also greyed out my favorites, and I constantly get ERROR MESSAGES. Who is the IDIOT that released this???

I can only now operate SONOS from my desktop computer. Let’s see when SONOS will destroy this too….

Really, WTF???

Userlevel 2

Agree.  Just sent this message to the CEO’s email account:


The new SONOS app interface is utterly bewildering. It’s just  . . . baffling. I don’t do U/X or U/I for a living but I commission a lot of work in that area. And I’m just . . . “What were they thinking?” 


Things that used to be intuitive and easy now seem, in some cases, impossible.  


Now looking for some way to roll my iphone back to the previous version. 

Thought that I was the only with issues, First thing after the updated app was installed was the surround speakers turning on and off steadily. After a complete reinstall and configuration I noticed that the surround options for speaker distance are no longer available. The user interface is horrible, it’s gone from functional to malfunctioning.  I swear one more mess like this and that S1-S2 obsolescence scam are pushing me one step closer me another platform. 

Userlevel 1

I’m glad I found this thread to at least know I’m not alone. I opened the app tonight to reset a playlist that had stopped playing, and was met with the abject horror that is this app update. Unfortunately I’m on iOS so can’t roll back, so I’m considering my whole investment in Sonos an utter waste at this point.

i was considering upping my purchases to support a significant home addition, but I’m now researching other options and will make it a point to never spend another dime with this company.  To have done something so bone-headed and then attempt to defend it as an ‘upgrade’ is an insult.  I’ll take my money elsewhere.



This new app is one of the worst apps I have ever used! I have been a high end integrator for 30 years! I love Sonos but will now have to find a new music system to sell if they don’t fix this!

It’s terrible. I have 5 SONOS speakers. I select a group of speakers and it brings me back to different speakers. I can’t get a clear view of all of my services/channels. I can’t get Spotify to work. I look at it funny and it stops playing. It is HORRIBLE!! Please provide a rollback option!

Userlevel 1

This new app is one of the worst apps I have ever used! I have been a high end integrator for 30 years! I love Sonos but will now have to find a new music system to sell if they don’t fix this!

Thank God, I was worried I was just getting old!  My wife warned me about it first - “the icon turned black and now it’s terrible!”  Boy was she right.  This is literally the dumbest update I have ever seen, and I remember Windows 8.

Now when I click on a song, I have to additionally press a play button to get it to play.

Play Next?  The MOST USED FEATURE EVER?  Where is that?

I have no idea how to turn volume up and down separately in groups (randomly all sliders appear, most of the time just the group slider does).

How is it possible to make an app LITERALLY 10 TIMES slower to respond and call this an update?

I spent 10 minutes trying to change the input on my PlayBar to the TV (imagine wanting to do that), never figured it out, and just powered it off and back on.

When I want to search, I think I have to swipe down, then click back, spin around 3 times, and pray for a magnifying glass.

Who in the name of Jumpin Jehosephat approved this release??? (I hope this clears the moderators).

Oh, and to top things off, the issue with songs randomly pausing and skipping that I’ve been dealing with for 10+ years seems to be more frequent than ever.

Top drawer, SONOS!  You fing suck.

Userlevel 2

The inability to use my music library is the worst!  Probably to be expected given the streaming services lobbying to make previously purchased music useless.  Nevertheless, I’ll be looking to find alternatives to Sonos if this is not fixed immediately.

Help! The new app has rendered my Sonos useless. How is this even legal? I had a fully functioning sound system yesterday and now I can’t use it? Please seriously who do I call? I’ve been a loyal and enthusiastic user since 2010!!!

I can’t even find how to add song to queue. I can add to favourites or replace queue but not the obvious add to queue. Can any one help?

Agree old app was much better: clean and intuitive. 

I can’t even find how to add song to queue. I can add to favourites or replace queue but not the obvious add to queue. Can any one help?

Agree old app was much better: clean and intuitive. 

They’ve removed this feature from the new app. 

I’m a UX designer and can honestly say this is a freakin usability nightmare. I can usually figure out UX things pretty easily even if they’re buried. I can not figure out how to play two different things in different rooms now. I like to listen to podcasts in my office but when I head downstairs I like to have music. I can’t play both simultaneously (at least I can’t figure out how). The app UX is HORRIBLE. Please remove this update and take it back to the old version STAT!

I can’t even find how to add song to queue. I can add to favourites or replace queue but not the obvious add to queue. Can any one help?

Agree old app was much better: clean and intuitive. 


Queue functions are slated to be released in early June.

I’m a UX designer and can honestly say this is a freakin usability nightmare. I can usually figure out UX things pretty easily even if they’re buried. I can not figure out how to play two different things in different rooms now. I like to listen to podcasts in my office but when I head downstairs I like to have music. I can’t play both simultaneously (at least I can’t figure out how). The app UX is HORRIBLE. Please remove this update and take it back to the old version STAT!


You aren’t going to get the old app back, Sonos can’t release the new hardware without the new app.  So asking for a return to the is useless.  Instead, I suggest you list the top problems you have with the new app.  Sonos has listened to such suggestions in the past, and are open to put the most requested changes in place.  

To echo the posts, the new app is awful. 

Where are the Sonos Playlists now? Thankfully I can still access in the PC version of the Sonos controller. 

I registered on this forum just to say FIRE YOUR ENTIRE APP TEAM. 

The app is horrendous and I cringe every time I have to open it, and now I’m stuck at a mandatory update that I can’t skip, which keeps failing.


It’s been quiet in my house for weeks, very very disappointed long time user here :(

I registered on this forum just to say FIRE YOUR ENTIRE APP TEAM. 

The app is horrendous and I cringe every time I have to open it, and now I’m stuck at a mandatory update that I can’t skip, which keeps failing.


It’s been quiet in my house for weeks, very very disappointed long time user here :(


I highly doubt the development team were responsible for this mess.  It is clear this app was greenlighted by some higher ups despite the obvious flaws, probably to meed the end of fiscal year deadline for the new hardware.  That’s not on the developers, not directly, anyway.

This new app is one of the worst apps I have ever used! I have been a high end integrator for 30 years! I love Sonos but will now have to find a new music system to sell if they don’t fix this!

Agreed! Terrible! Come on Sonos and please go back.

I can’t even find how to add song to queue. I can add to favourites or replace queue but not the obvious add to queue. Can any one help?

Agree old app was much better: clean and intuitive. 


Queue functions are slated to be released in early June.

Thank you: though such basic functions should never have been removed. Plea to Sonos: please don’t muck up the desktop controller until this app at least becomes a MVP with all the old critical functionality. Still sceptical though that the interface will be that great even once full functionality is restored.  Hope I am proven wrong as have enjoyed Sonos since the days of the CR200 controller. 

Thank you: though such basic functions should never have been removed. Plea to Sonos: please don’t muck up the desktop controller until this app at least becomes a MVP with all the old critical functionality. Still sceptical though that the interface will be that great even once full functionality is restored.  Hope I am proven wrong as have enjoyed Sonos since the days of the CR200 controller. 


Not an excuse, but since this app is a rewrite from scratch, the features weren’t removed, they just were never finished.  Not that the difference matters, but it does point the finger at whoever OK’d the release with the features missing, rather than someone thinking those features should be removed.  I’m pretty sure this release was rushed out to meet the deadline for the new headphones and Roam.  IMHO, they screwed up and should have finished the app and taken the hit on the hardware being released after the fiscal new year.