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I’m having the same problem. Downloaded the S2 app on our two phones. (Mine and my partners). His app has found the speaker. Mine has not. Very frustrating. I use Sonos daily, have done for almost 10 years. Clearly not a problem with our network, it’s all working fine on my partner’s phone. Must be a bug in the app as downloaded to my phone. Literally everything is the same. Same speaker. Same phones. Same network. His app found the speaker. My app is saying nothing found. I’m so frustrated that it feels like they are making older speakers obsolete just through the app tech. The speaker was working absolutely fine (through the old S1 app) only 3 days ago. Not good at all. Also I’m holding on the phone line and it keeps telling me to go to support and find the answer. Literally no help or Qs on here to resolve this. 

Have you update your phone?

Are you both using the same OS (.i.e iOS or Android)

However, one thing doesn’t make sense…

  • If you were using S1 that means the Play 1 (per your profile) was down graded to work on S1 and would not be compatible with S2 in its present state.  Please explain 🤔