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new app - platlists and playing local folders gone???

  • 10 May 2024
  • 7 replies

What did they do with the Sonos app???

I have a wd my cloud network hdd where i have stored a lot of music.

With the new app i am still able to see all the folders with my music in it on this hdd. The problem is that the play button to play an entire folder is gone so i am only able to play one song after each other.

Also all of my playlists that i had made are gone.


It feels like you buy a car and after a few years the manufacturer takes away the steering wheel... 

I was always very impressed by Sonos but this is gone in minutes when they do something like this!!! 

7 replies

Same here, I don’t need all the Sonos and other radios which can’t even be removed from the home screen. I want to listen to my NAS music which is now impossible. What a crappy change; bring back the old app!

Userlevel 1

Same here, I don’t need all the Sonos and other radios which can’t even be removed from the home screen. I want to listen to my NAS music which is now impossible. What a crappy change; bring back the old app!

I lost all trust in it, really!! Best my speakers are already a few years old. Never Sonos again if they do such things. 

I use an Android smartphone. With the previous app everytime i went back from a folder on my NAS it went completely back to the upper folder so i needed to scroll in the list to get back where i was ended. Very annoying! I posted this in this community and the reaction was that they knew of this problem. This problem stayed there for months. If the actual problems are not solved within a week i think my speakers will end up at the recycling park and i will buy a set of good speakers (fi. B&w) combined with a cheaper system with wifi functionality. Als also will make very bad reviews from Sonos. I really am very disapointed!


Watching these posts


I’m spewing too - I had a playlist I’ve been adding to for years and it’s vanished since I’ve updated the App a couple of days ago.


hopefully it’ll magically reappear

Userlevel 2

This really needs to be fixed!

This is a failure for Sonos

This needs to get fixed. I agree. All my folders for mycloud NAS were just gone all the sudden… no warning. Defeats my purpose for having a Sonos

Am I going to have to switch to BlueOS or other controller because of this?

Totally agree. Spent years putting together favorite playlists, but, nope, Sonos knows best I guess. Way to totally destroy a great experience. What a bunch of dip-heads. Too tied up in making money off services, collecting data, and so on. Typical corporate greed. I just want to play MY music, not Apple’s, not Pandora’s, not some special Sonos offering. Cut it out Sonos. Get back to what you’re good at and stop trying to be the crappy app you’ve become. I paid for your products. That should be enough. I shouldn’t have to login everytime I want to do something in the app. Went from great product to crap in a heartbeat because you can’t listen to actual paying customers. Just dumb. You force me to seek another product that isn’t so greedy.
