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New App - Fail

The new app: nice look but worst experience ever!

​​​​Basic functions are missing. How on earth is it possible, that Sonos rolls out an app that feels like a pre-alpha version?

Best marketing for competitors!

Roll back to the old one!!! Wait with releases until EVERYTHING works properly!!!

I’ve rolled back successfully to the previous version. Takes a bit of fiddling but can be done.

okay fine. How?

I’ve rolled back successfully to the previous version. Takes a bit of fiddling but can be done.

Yes how did you do this?? to Role back my alarms are not working anymore??

La nueva versión funciona muy mal, tarda más e 3 minutos en inciar, no acepta estaciones de radio que la otra si 


Pésima experiencia 


¿Cómo regreso a la versión anterior?