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new App and Help with Network

  • 25 May 2024
  • 1 reply

I'm one of the guys that after the new app uodate, I get constantly portions of my system not showing or the entire things as being said to be not on the network. I have Sonos tech pointing at Google (that's my router) and Google techs pointing at Sonos. I'm 99% positive it is Sonos because this entire set up has worked fine for years until exactly after the app revamp. What I have happening is that when I look at the devices on my Google router, I see things like it showing 2 subs, 1 online and 1 offline....I only have one sub. Then even when I have all speakers showing up and working on the sonos app and physically working, the Google home app wil  contradict that and say half my speakers are offline. Non stop I am getting contradictions between the two. From not agreeing to home many speakers are online to it claiming multiple versions of a speaker. Does anyone know what this points to or which spectrum is more likely the cause?

1 reply

Having the same problem after the app update. Ridiculous. Yesterday nothing worked. Kicked it around a bit and it all eventually worked. Today, kitchen doesn’t work, dining room does. I love the system WHEN IT WORKS! Please fix this Sonos. I don’t want to do what I want to do which is THROW IT OUT THE WINDOW…grr
