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new app

  • 28 June 2024
  • 4 replies

The new app really sucks…

Who invented this user unfriendly interface without possibility to return to the previous version.

really, really, really bad!!!!!

Your post is not very constructive, to say the least - maybe post some of the main issues you’re seeing with the new Sonos App. At least that way Sonos engineers may then be able to see/address the problems. 

Absolutely anyone, like yourself, who have joined this forum today, can raise an unhelpful critical comment, but that’s never going to get anything addressed without you providing at least some detail about the issues you are facing. Some example screenshots might perhaps help too. 

Otherwise I can see your post and many other similar ones, that are lacking similar detail, as simply being dismissed by Sonos, alongside those users that perhaps maybe ‘trolling’ on this site.

I just want to say that all the users in my family preferred the previous app, and that every function now is less fluid and user friendly. It is just not a good interface any more, and it used to be so good… really bad programming…

Your reply is also very denigrating to a very loyal and long time sonos user, and is not really appreciated.

As a long time Sonos user too, I find the new Sonos App works fine… the user interface (UI) is not an issue, but I guess the user experience (UX) needs some further enhancement, but that seems to be happening anyway as the scheduled (published) Sonos development progresses.

I’m not bothered what you think about my earlier reply by the way - as I’m not the one who is complaining here with a first-time post that doesn’t actually describe/detail the App-issues you’re perhaps trying to refer to here.

Without such detail, I doubt Sonos would be able to take much from your post(s) anyway to do anything about trying to resolve whatever the problems are you’re complaining about. 

It might, as an example, even turn out to be be a local (network) issue for all the ‘lack of detail’ provided, hence my suggestion to describe the issues and perhaps throw-in a few videos and/or screenshots too to help get your viewpoint(s) across. 

One example: playlist order can not be changed… no delete, no order modifications…

no swiping, three dots lead to a insignificant option page…

