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New app

I got an email saying that fixes to the new app, or a completely new app, would be available today. Where is it? How do I get it? I’ve been on Apple’s App Store and all I can find the new crap app. 

18 replies

I downloaded a new version of the 80.x app from the iOS store this morning. It appears to be 80.01.10.

Give it time.  Both Apple and Android sometimes take a while to roll it out to all locales.  Keep checking your updates on the App Store or Google Play. 

For what it is worth, and kudos to Sonos to providing this data, the release notes are here:

Thanks but I still can’t find it. I’ll try again tomorrow and hope for the best! 

Userlevel 4

Can you share the email? Never mind I see it in the App Store 

Hopefully they are rolling us all back to the old and BETTER app, that worked and had way more features that we use and liked.  New App is broken and should be obsolete. 

Userlevel 2

Don’t install the new version unless you only stream music.  It cannot read from a local music library.  everyone is complaining about it.  truly sucks.


Don’t install the new version unless you only stream music.  It cannot read from a local music library.  everyone is complaining about it.  truly sucks.



Not everybody, not even the majority.  If you have an SMB 2 or 3 shared volume, the local library works fine.  Please don’t invade every thread with this off-topic doom and gloom.  Some people actually want to update and don’t need you hijacking their thread to tell them not to. 

Userlevel 2

ok.  this is really weird.  i had gone in manually and made my My Music library on my C drive shareable again.  This was saturday.  It started indexing because it seemed to have retained nothing.  over 20 hours.  nothing.  ok.  checked again today.  actually on hold w/ SONOS help.  went in to run diagnostics and … it is working.  It is reading my Music Library again, which is where I play my music from.  I usually don’t stream other than to just check out new stuff.

no announcement.  sooooo, not sure what happened.  am thinking to stay on hold and ask if it is really fixed.  anyway, i suggest you check again if you had the inaccessible local Music Library issue.



All I know is that recent, new app is 100% garbage and needs replacing ASAP

ok.  this is really weird.  i had gone in manually and made my My Music library on my C drive shareable again.  This was saturday.  It started indexing because it seemed to have retained nothing.  over 20 hours.  nothing.  ok.  checked again today.  actually on hold w/ SONOS help.  went in to run diagnostics and … it is working.  It is reading my Music Library again, which is where I play my music from.  I usually don’t stream other than to just check out new stuff.

no announcement.  sooooo, not sure what happened.  am thinking to stay on hold and ask if it is really fixed.  anyway, i suggest you check again if you had the inaccessible local Music Library issue.



Thanks, I’m having all sorts of issues. I can’t access most of my Spotify and Apple libraries nor the alarms and those are just the ones I regularly use. I’m sure there are other problems that I haven’t found yet. I am not a happy camper 

Userlevel 2

i am on hold w/ help.  60 minutes but i really want to know if it is fixed.  we had a party over the weekend and it was super inconvenient.  once i talk to someone, i will post back here.

the help line is: 800.680.2345

i have had good help there before, but i do wish they had the call back feature.

good luck.  i went into my windows files and set My Music path to be shareable then added it again in My Music Library settings.  like i said, it did not work immediately and in fact, indexed for over 20 hours w/ seemingly no results. but then today, everything was there ?!?


Good luck kidda! 

Userlevel 2

ok.  was on the phone w/ Sonos for a long time.  This is what I found out.

He had no idea why my music library suddenly reappeared but it did.  He said that is probably temporary. You can go into Windows and share the Music Library to Sonos HIFi system or something (i just typed sonos in the search field and it came up).  THEN you can go back into Sonos and re-add your Music Library and it “may” work.  On a Windows machine.  He said it would NOT work on a Mac.  The only option for Mac and in the plans for the future is to use a NAS drive.  Somebody posted on another thread how you could fool it into thinking your computer main drive was a NAS.  He had a Mac and said that worked.

For the future, the Sonos tech said you could download this FLEX app that is a cloud app and Sonos could read from that. It is supposedly free but I know nothing about it.

Or you can put all your music on a NAS external drive and Sonos can read that. but you have to make sure the NAS supports SMBV2 or SMBV3.

He didn’t know why I still had the option to add local music from a folder and that it may go away suddenly.

He also said they emailed before 5/13 which is supposedly when the update was available.  But I did not get an email saying Sonos would no longer be able to read from a local drive on my computer. I did later see it in some release notes, after I was already having issues.

He also said they had gotten tons of calls about this and many unhappy customers.  He said tech support was kind of blind sided by it.

My system consists of six products divided into two rooms.
Unfortunately, they continue to go undetected despite having updated the app to version 80.01.11 released about an hour ago.

Userlevel 2

i would call their helpline. you’ll have to wait but you will eventually get a real person. they might be able to help you work around it … for awhile

Userlevel 4

The new app is terrible, and thousands of users agree. Based on my firsthand experience, it is indeed very poor. If you haven't downloaded the new (major) version yet, here's what you should know: 

My family and I, along with several friends, have been using Sonos systems in our homes for years and have always enjoyed them. However, we all have the same issues with the new, broken app. That is the new version which is Sonos releases


Release date: 5/7/2024 Sonos new ecosystem/platform

The new minor/patch updates to 80.0 which is what we're discussing here today are related 80.0 and up. Today, Sonos released two updates for iOS (at least on my end it was 2) 80.00.08 and 80.01.10 , but many features from the old app are still missing.


FYI most likely sonos app version structure is set up like this:

major.minor.patch 80.00.00


MAJOR version: Increased when there are significant changes that break backward compatibility. For example, moving from version 16.0.0 to 80.0.0, major changes have been made
MINOR version: Increased when functionality is added in a backward-compatible manner. For example, moving from version 18.0.0 to 18.1.0 means new features have been added
PATCH version: Increased when backward-compatible bug fixes are made. For example, moving from version 90.1.1 to 90.1.2 indicates that minor bugs have been fixed without adding any new features

Userlevel 7
Badge +18

Thought this update was going to re-establish the volume level numbers - didn't work for me. 

The only change I detect is a mangled SONOS logo on the starting splash screen - the S is cut in half on both sides of the logo. 


Oh! There was a big advert for the new BT headphones! 

Userlevel 7
Badge +18

And here's the new truncated splash screen 😁  Close attention to detail by the developers 😂

