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My Sonos system is developing a mind of its own

  • 29 June 2024
  • 4 replies

I have a number of Sonos speakers all running S2 and on the whole they work great, but recently I've been experiencing a few annoying quirks. I should say I have a One connected to my router and then everything running from there.

I used to have a One in my office and another in my extension. I moved the extension One into my office and set it up as a stereo pair, and now have an Era 1 in the extension.

However, every now and again (maybe every month or so), the Office pair randomly renames itself to Extension. So I end up with 2 speakers both called Extension. So I can go in the app and rename the office one back again and it does work from there. I did try unpairing, then renaming the two Ones to be Office Left and Office Right, then recreating the stereo pair and calling it Office again. But even so it will just occasionally rename itself. The other day I started some music on it, then a minute or so later asked it to turn the volume down in the office and I got an angry clunk. Looked in the app and found I had two Extensions again.

I'm not sure if this is connected to another quirk in that the Era's Sonos voice control doesn't work properly. For example, if I ask what's playing it tells me nothing is. (But if I ask the one in the kitchen that's playing the same thing it can tell me). Or if I try to tell it to do something like Resume I get that clunking noise that means "not going to happen". I did try removing voice control and adding it back and it worked for a short time then stopped again.

Another issue is that I have a Roam gen1 upstairs and it keeps settingi its volume to 8%. So it will be on about 50%, I play something and find it's dropped to 8% again. Or it can chcnage volume sometimes when it's playing. It's usually plugged into the power although it has also done it on battery mode.

I've had a couple of times when other speakers have done something similar but it always seems to happen with my Roam.

These problems have been going on a while. But one that's new is that I've had a number of occasions where I've been watching some TV and find that one of my speakers has started playing again. Usually at this point I have the Office ungrouped and every other speaker grouped. It has started either the office or the other speakers. The first time it happened I wondered if it was one of the voice assistants getting confused, but it's been three days in a row I believe. As far as I can tell the speakers are just resuming what they were playing before. I just have to pause TV then yell into the ether and hope I don't catch the extension speaker and tell it to shut up.

I should say I don't have a Sonos soundbar, so my TV sound has nothing to do with Sonos.

None of these are showstoppers. All except the TV problem have been going on for months and I've been getting annoyed but tolerating it. But if there is anything I can do to improve things it would save me a lot of money going into the swear jar.

I should also say I've had the system running for years without these problems, all using the same router.

I also know the general advice is to turn everything off, then turn them back on one at a time starting from the one connected to the router. Now I have 8 speakers this is quite time consuming! But I have done this and it doesn't seem to help.

Hi @mrgrieves 

Thanks for your post! And, apologies for the delay.

Sorry to hear of the issues you’ve been having with changing your Sonos room names.

Without exception, every single occurrence of this I have ever come across has been due to Apple HomeKit. Please adjust the Sonos room name from within HomeKit and the change should be permanent.

The new Sonos app does do things a little differently, however, and still has some teething issues. If you do not have HomeKit, or if the above does not help, please let me know.

I hope this helps.

Thanks very much for the reply. 

I had totally forgotten that I set my Sonos up with HomeKit. I did it ages ago but it never did much for me so I just forgot about it.

I've removed the problem devices from the Home app and will see if my problems disappear.

Well since I removed all the problem speakers from the Apple Home app, I've not had a single one of my problems. My upstairs speaker has stopped turning itself down, the extension speaker still has a working voice control and my office speakers haven't renamed themselves. The problem with the TV was weird - it did it three times in subsequent days but then never again.

I've been a bit nervous about updating this post as I thought I might jinx it but it does look like you were right with your suspicions.

Thank you so much.

Hi @mrgrieves 

Fantastic! Thanks for updating the thread!

(Apologies for delay - I was off for a week)
