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Hello people

As I'm getting older I'm getting more cilia can someone be straightforward and write this code for me please

Oh my music is on a nice drive Western Digital my iCloud now it is running 24 seven all the music is in place so is the XML file for Sonos to read, please could someone convert the addresses for me as my mental health I'm struggling with 

On my Mac book pro, the address is and the same song


On my Western Digital, my cloud is

MyCloudEX2Ultra._smb._tcp.local/Music/Adeva/title/06 I Thank You.mp3


Oh my Sonos, I have set up the address for the Western Digital my iCloud I just need to change the XML file directory to find the songs

Thank you for you, clever people


Hi @mark b 

Thanks for your post!

I gather you are referring to the iTunes Music Library.xml file? And that the issue you are having is that your playlists work for music stored on your computer, but not on music stored on your NAS and thus you need to alter the entries in the xml file?

Luckily, my colleague has the same NAS drive as you, and said the following:

‘I have the same NAS. With mine the path is "\\MYCLOUDEX2ULTRA\Public\audio". The device name "MyCloudEX2Ultra._smb._tcp.local" seems very strange unless he manually changed it, "MYCLOUDEX2ULTRA" is the default. "MyCloudEX2Ultra/Music/" is possible but he might want to consider copying the Music folder into the "Public" folder. That makes sharing much easier on that NAS. The correct path for that would be then "MyCloudEX2Ultra/Public/Music/"’

Note that neither of us are what you’d call Apple experts, so we’re not sure about the “MyCloudEX2Ultra._smb._tcp.local” part of things - this may be normal on macOS.

He also suggested that the following community thread would be of use to you:

For a more direct answer, hopefully the community can assist.

I hope this helps.

Thank you very much. Much appreciated.

Thank you very much for all your help. All sorted now. Thanks to you😄👍