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Music Library Indexing

  • 23 July 2024
  • 1 reply

I have updated to the Apps/Controller/Firmware. The Music library indexing on my NAS now looks very strange. There are duplicate entries for many Albums. The Songs are not ordered correctly within the albums.

It seems to be related to the fields for Album Artist and Contributing Artist though that is not conclusive.

I have my files organised into:

\\Sonos\Music\Artist\Album\Songs(with Track No. at beginning i.e. “01 Song Name” ).

This has worked for many years now.

Can anybody help with a description on how the the files and details within the MP£ files should be done or is this just another bug introduced by Sonos within their software? Will they ever get a release right!

Also the advanced settings for the Music Library are missing from the IOS app. On the PC I have the Group Albums by Album Artist set. Sort Songs by song number, Contributing Artists is not ticked.

Any help would be appreciated.


1 reply

Userlevel 1
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I have the same issues, also on PC the sort order is not correct although it depends on how you search.  If I click down to an album in folders the order is correct and it will add in favourites but adds exactly as it displays, in folders.  If I use the search bar to find the same album the order is not correct. I'm not sure sort by album numbers is working as it should.

Also the PC app does not separate favourites like the ios app, it just lists everything together in one column.  It should be the same as the ios app where you can look at playlists or albums etc.
