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Music Library failing to update - Version 80.01.08 25th May

  • 30 May 2024
  • 1 reply

Diagnostic: ***********


I have updated my Windows device and accessed the Music Library for an update but it has not picked up the 1,300 plus tracks added over the past couple of months - I know they are in the library as I have had to download to I broadcast to to play them back but I'd sooner not be reliant on the cloud for my music when I bought the system to access my own network device 


Moderator edit: recorded and removed diagnostic number (identifying information)

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1 reply

Userlevel 5
Badge +12

Did you update the Sonos app on the Windows device?

Is your library on a Windows PC or a NAS?

in any case, make sure you disable SMB v1 and enable SMB v2 or v3. Sonos no longer supports SMB v1, which they have used for quite a long time.

You can also have a look at this thread for a solution: