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Music Library Compilation Issue under new 16.3 Firmware

Today I successfully updated to the latest 16.3 Firmware and Windows Desktop Controller.
I subsequently performed an “Update Music Library Now” from the 16.3 Windows Desktop Controller.
Now any Sonos Controller (including SonoPhone, SonoPad) show multiple entries for each compilation album when viewing Albums.
Just an example shown below...

Does anyone else have this issue?

@Schlumpf . It was a Firmware only update.

Hi @rosswells127 

 Can you therefore please move this up your priority list. @Corry P 

It was already high on my list - I’m only having two problems with my Sonos system, and this is one of them. As much as I’d like the pay packet, I am not a particularly big fish in the Sonos pond.

I do get your meaning, however - but, for whatever reason, this particular issue was not fixed with this particular update - not that we ever said it would be. I’d like to explain to you why that is, but I just don’t have that information.

An app update was also scheduled for yesterday - one that looks quite significant, from what I have seen - but it has been postponed for a couple of days. I do not expect it to fix this issue, to be clear.


Hi @rosswells127 

 Can you therefore please move this up your priority list. @Corry P 

It was already high on my list - I’m only having two problems with my Sonos system, and this is one of them. As much as I’d like the pay packet, I am not a particularly big fish in the Sonos pond.

I do get your meaning, however - but, for whatever reason, this particular issue was not fixed with this particular update - not that we ever said it would be. I’d like to explain to you why that is, but I just don’t have that information.

An app update was also scheduled for yesterday - one that looks quite significant, from what I have seen - but it has been postponed for a couple of days. I do not expect it to fix this issue, to be clear.


Thanks @Corry P , I sincerely appreciate your comments and efforts.
I too only have a couple of outstanding issues. I think a lot of people with local Music Libraries will be a lot happier once this one is fixed.


I’ll be slightly less fed up. Happy is pushing it. Queue editing is also long overdue. Months just for basic function to be restored is nothing to be happy about. 

I’ll be relieved when they sort out the UI (esp. on a tablet) to allow easy use of the system again. 

Happy would be if they sort all of that out before the discounts in the run up to Xmas and they allow upgrade discounts to apply to sale prices by way of apology to existing customers… hint, hint… 😉

It’s worse than that!  Sonos has screwed up my desktop music library beyond belief.  I have sometimes more than 10 copies of an album.  Many have no cover. Most are incomplete or empty.  I have gone back to my master ITunes library and it’s fine, however updating the Sonos library doesn’t work. The software SUCKS!  It only makes it worse! In some cases, it has tried to create albums with only one song when there were multiple artists on the album.  This is crazy.  Sonos created a disaster and WE have now gone months and not Sonos has not fixed it or addressed the issues. Who has time to wait 45 minutes for customer service only to be told there’s not a current fix available?

Mike Clinton

I am taking steps to migrate to a different system. This will leave two sound bars as orphans. But I will be able to listen to my library in the living room and on the patio. I will also repeat this tale of woe to all who will listen. 
