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Music Library Compilation Issue under new 16.3 Firmware

Today I successfully updated to the latest 16.3 Firmware and Windows Desktop Controller.
I subsequently performed an “Update Music Library Now” from the 16.3 Windows Desktop Controller.
Now any Sonos Controller (including SonoPhone, SonoPad) show multiple entries for each compilation album when viewing Albums.
Just an example shown below...

Does anyone else have this issue?

Is there an update on this?, the new app on my phone also does not allow me to search “mymusic”

All very frustrating


Add me to the list which makes my music library practically useless as I have many compilation CDs that I ripped so I can play these on my Sonos speakers.

I’m with you on this. I do the exact same thing and was never drawn to streaming. My Sonos music libraries are found easily by Sonophone which leads me to believe that my networks paths to said libraries are set correctly.

I haven’t checked in here for days.  Is there any news on the horizon about possible solutions for us NAS plebes?

Any update on an ETA for this critical issue from Cory? Also, Sonos corporate should show some humility by ceasing the barrage of email ads on the new headphones. I suppose they would like me to buy a pair so I would have an additional way to not be able to listen to my music library.

Any update on an ETA for this critical issue from Cory? Also, Sonos corporate should show some humility by ceasing the barrage of email ads on the new headphones. I suppose they would like me to buy a pair so I would have an additional way to not be able to listen to my music library.

Yeah, my jaw gets a little tight when I see the incessant ads for Ace Headphones. I loved H.J.’s last sentence.  Classic.

Aware and investigating…. for a month? No ETA? Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It seems for the time being, they only care about their mobile apps 😡

Yes, well, that mobile app has some real problems!

I would hope that they have different development teams, at least one for the firmware and others for the desktop and mobile apps.

I’m experiencing this problem as well on both the PC controller and on my phone.  Not sure why Sonos felt the need to update the app.  The old one worked great, but ever since the new one came out it’s been a shit show.   At this point I’m going to start looking at taking the hit and converting to another ecosystem.  They can’t even provide updates to this issue other than they validated it and there’s no ETA for a fix.  Pathetic.

@Barry McCockinner . Yeah it is an issue with the speaker firmware itself so the problem is visible on ALL controllers including 3rd party ones such as SonoPhone. We all hope it is fixed in the next firmware update.

Yes, this issue with the horrible album artist bug is a new device firmware bug, it has nothing to do with all the bugs in the new app.

Does Sonos ever fix firmware bugs as a new release, or do we need to wait until they release a new device to get this fixed?

Yes, this issue with the horrible album artist bug is a new device firmware bug, it has nothing to do with all the bugs in the new app.

Does Sonos ever fix firmware bugs as a new release, or do we need to wait until they release a new device to get this fixed?

They’re not tied to new hardware releases and can be released whenever. Over the life of the product they get more new firmware releases than Sonos release new products.

@sigh  oh, cool. It is normal for it to take this long for a fix like this?

I was forced to update to 16.3.1 (otherwise could not update my NAS music library)

I grouped my music using folders by artist so I did not have the “album problem”)

But I notice that even though everything under the same folder can be retrieved intact, you can only add ONE track at a time to play. Adding more than one track simply gets “Adding x items to the Queue… please wait”

Does anyone have this issue and can this be fixed? Wow, Sonos is not going to last that much longer.



@sigh  oh, cool. It is normal for it to take this long for a fix like this?

I would like to think not and that their code change history makes it easy to identify the change that caused it.

In reality I’ve no idea, maybe release notes for firmware are stored in the round filing cabinet that gets emptied every night because I don’t think I’ve seen them published on the site. 😂 🙃

I can’t decide if taking so long is a good sign because they have found many things to fix, or fearful because there is even more changing in it in one go. 🤐

I posted this on another thread as well:

Anyone from Sonos - or not - feel free to answer this:
I’d be willing to forego using an NAS (in my case two SSD USB drives plugged into my iMacs) if someone could answer this:  If one were to move ALL music files in our libraries into a folder on the main internal hard drive of a iMac and/or Windows computer, would THAT negate the issues plaguing the huddle masses who are using external NAS drives?  Or, are those too considered Network Attached Storage devices?


Don’t bother. I literally have to pretend that the music folder on my Mac is on a NAS and give it the full file address so that the newly fouled up SONOS app can find it. 

Don’t bother. I literally have to pretend that the music folder on my Mac is on a NAS and give it the full file address so that the newly fouled up SONOS app can find it. 

Sadly, for reasons best known to Sonos, the desktop apps have become extremely confusing around sharing your music library from a PC or Mac. The way that the desktop app sets up the library sharing for the ‘My Music’ or ‘Another folder or drive’ NO LONGER WORKS because the method it sets up has been deemed insecure and removed from the speaker firmware. 

What Sonos should have done when they did this was amended the desktop apps to ONLY have the Network Drive option as this is now all that the speakers support. So it’s not pretending to be a network share, you MUST share folders on your PC/Mac now over the network for any updated Sonos speaker to be able to see it. 

And yes, it’s a really good question why Sonos couldn’t help reduce the confusion this generates by simply removing the defunct options from the desktop controllers …

I think Sonos is so completely lost themselves - they are introducing bugs quicker than they can patch them. At least for the 16.3.1 Desktop App, it was forced released onto me. So now another problem. Library relational database cannot be read correctly. What sort of company would do that non-stop on their mission to cease to exist? I don’t have a problem throwing away my lousy $139 Roam and a few pieces of out-of-date old equipment. I just want something that works.

The file sharing problem was introduced by the Mobile App or the Desktop App or both about 2 months ago. If you follow the fixes under “Error 913” topics, at least for me, whether the music is in “My Music”, another folder within the PC or NAS, works. But updating your music library may mean you have to re-do the whole file sharing exercise again -- that happened to me.

My earlier problem with 16.3.1 of not being able to add to the playlist more than one track at a time after the music library has been amended seems to be “solved” by closing and re-opening the Desktop App. Or maybe I speak too soon. Or until another forced update comes along. That’s completely unprofessional.

Why do they have to call the Mobile App Version 80.06.03 and the Desktop App 80.1-55014 (80.1-55240 on their screen, why?) as if it was not confusing enough?

In sheer frustration I have given up, apart from my Sonos Beam, which we use on our TV, I’ve switched everything else off, I’m not wasting electric on Sonos rubbish while it’s like this.

Just by chance my hi-fi amplifier failed, so I took the opportunity to by a Marantz PM7000N which happily streams radio and plays my music collection from my NAS drive. The apps a bit clunky, but it works. 

Not sure I’ll ever trust Sonos again after this debacle.

Sonos SNAFU number 1,298

Came here to say “me too”, but I guess I am here to say “me 158”… and how can this thread be marked as “ANSWERED”. Is the answer “Yeah, it’s stuffed up, but it is 1,298th on our list of priorities right now. Sorry we broke it. Can I send you a copy of my resume? I hate working here since the new app came out.”

Still no timeframe for a fix to this @Corry P ? It has been a very long time coming

Hi @Eejay60 

We are making progress on that, but I don’t have an ETA that I can share with you.

We are making progress on that, but I don’t have an ETA that I can share with you. 

Thank you@Corry P , that’s good, there is progress 👍🏻

I posted this on another thread as well:

Anyone from Sonos - or not - feel free to answer this:
I’d be willing to forego using an NAS (in my case two SSD USB drives plugged into my iMacs) if someone could answer this:  If one were to move ALL music files in our libraries into a folder on the main internal hard drive of a iMac and/or Windows computer, would THAT negate the issues plaguing the huddle masses who are using external NAS drives?  Or, are those too considered Network Attached Storage devices?


Don’t bother. I literally have to pretend that the music folder on my Mac is on a NAS and give it the full file address so that the newly fouled up SONOS app can find it. 

Thanks, Stephen… Since I posted that, I’ve been told that Network Attached Storage can even be the internal drive on the host computer.  So, I tried a test run by putting a folder of Aerosmith music on the internal drive of our relatively new iMac - running a relatively new OS - and then added that to my Sonos Library via the S2 app.  No luck. I use Sonophone now to play my music in my Family Room from the external drive housing the Library.  Sonophone has NO problem locating and accessing my music.  The creator informed me that their app can only do what the internal Sonos hardware/app allows it to do so, I’m assuming, one of those things is finding and accessing AND playing my music on the NAS. My question to Sonos is: Why can’t you guys do that any longer? No, it’s not an S1 or SMBv problem on my end.

In sheer frustration I have given up, apart from my Sonos Beam, which we use on our TV, I’ve switched everything else off, I’m not wasting electric on Sonos rubbish while it’s like this.

Just by chance my hi-fi amplifier failed, so I took the opportunity to by a Marantz PM7000N which happily streams radio and plays my music collection from my NAS drive. The apps a bit clunky, but it works. 

Not sure I’ll ever trust Sonos again after this debacle.

I’m pretty much resigned to using my Fives, Playbar and Sub as a pimped out home theater setup. Talk about overkill. To play music off of my NAS drive, I use Sonophone. Aside from not having the bells and whistles, it does what it’s intended to do.

I’ve been looking at a Marantz setup in the event Sonos frustrates me into 2025. In the 70s and 80s I used to drool over having a Marantz sound system. I suppose better late than never at this point as everything but my Fives were purchased in 2014. That Playbar and Sub are still great and I had no incentive of selling or gifting them… until the ill-fated app was foisted upon us.
