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music library after latest app update

Just installed the new app. But I can’t find where the music library went. Also no option to add a folder to the library 


Moderator edit: We have an article with instruction on how to add a music library share on Windows and MacOS. Have a look.


I don’t quite understand that. MacOS Sonoma (and other recent OS versions) use smb for file sharing and I am pretty sure http is not used for any services. I don’t see any http services being advertised on my local network and port 80 is not open on my Mac mini. Are you saying the Sonos desktop app tries to share the local Music folder via http? If the Sonos iOS app can’t see that share then that does not make sense (on the part of Sonos). In any case, that first choice to select the Music folder generates the infamous “913” error.

To be clear, the NAS option only worked temporarily. When I say the library disappeared I mean it was gone from the desktop Sonos app (running on the Mac with the Music library) and, of course, was dropped from the Sonos iOS app.

Yes, it was indeed the case originally, that the Desktop controller App setup the read only share over http when using the first two available library options and it shared them by running a service when the PC started up - for Windows it was an executable file. These things now are not working with the latest device firmware according to @press250. So the suggestion is to setup the share manually, as explained in the links and videos posted earlier.

So goto the 3rd (NAS) library share option to setup the share and add the full UNC path — you can either use the IP address of the computer, or it’s Netbios name at the start of the path and then the name of the share. Example: //I92.168.0.230/Music or //MyPCName/Music …then add the ‘user credentials’ when prompted, that you’ve setup and are in place for ‘read only’ access (permission) on the shared Music folder  (you need to do that first of course)  and if all is entered correctly you can go onto run the Sonos library index and when it’s complete it should show in the new Sonos App.

I hope that assists. The YouTube video link posted earlier seems to explain it quite well,from my own perspective, but as I say I’m not a MAC user myself, but it seems reasonably straightforward… er hopefully.🤞


As I said, I tried all those steps (followed links, viewed videos, etc.) but it does not work, for me at least.

There is supposedly a Sonos App update due for release in the near future (next week if the rumours are correct) and it’s thought that it will resolve some library setup/indexing and searching issues- So my thoughts are to see if that may help fix things for you, I’m not sure it will if it’s a folder share permission issue, but fingers-x‘d it may help you to sort the share via the mobile App…and if it doesn’t, I would suggest then giving Sonos Support Staff a call via this link and see if they can perhaps resolve the matter with you over the phone.

I hope you are able to get it sorted @yellowtail, if not, then maybe ask the Staff to speak to the level-2 Sonos support team, or even come back here and see if there’s anything else we can then do to try help you sort it.

No idea why it’s not working now @press250, it was something I saw during a search on the subject. Anyhow I’ve just searched again and here’s an almost identical/similar post/discussion and this one involves yourself this time … it’s with controlav - so hope you (and @yellowtail) can see this link. Let me know if you can’t and I’ll perhaps screenshot it.


Hello Ken, can you help advise me on how to get my music library back up and running after the new app debacle?

 Since 2006 I’ve had a NAS drive connected to a port in my router. The NAS contains my CD music collection which took a long time to convert. It’s an old Buffalo NAS but hasn’t missed a beat in all that time and still works perfectly. However, it’s my understanding that SONOS no longer support its firmware and I’m unable to update this.

I control my Ones and Moves from iPad and iPhone which worked pretty well over the past years since S2 launched. Obviously I can no longer see or access my personal music library which I have copies of on the NAS and portable backup hard drives.

 Question, what kit do I need to purchase to get me running again like I used to and how would I configure it in the new app?

 Thanks in advance, GC



Tomorrow’s app update is meant to address music library issues, so maybe wait until then and see what issues remain?


What model is the Buffalo NAS? - do you know for sure that there are definitely no firmware updates for the NAS from the manufacturer that will allow it to be updated to use the SMB v2 (or higher) sharing protocol?

My Netgear NAS is old too and it’s OS6 GNU/Linux operating system has reached its last update, but it was updated in/around 2019 to support SMB2/3 - I think I paid around £800-£900 for it (give or take) about 15+ years ago (including RAM upgrade) - my own thoughts are that any new NAS sold these days will support SMB v2, or higher, so go with the most affordable one with the features you may want, like raided ‘swappable’ drives, VPN server for remote access and Plex Server for music etc.


What model is the Buffalo NAS? - do you know for sure that there are definitely no firmware updates for the NAS from the manufacturer that will allow it to be updated to use the SMB v2 (or higher) sharing protocol?

My Netgear NAS is old too and it’s OS6 GNU/Linux operating system has reached its last update, but it was updated in/around 2019 to support SMB2/3 - I think I paid around £800-£900 for it (give or take) about 15+ years ago (including RAM upgrade) - my own thoughts are that any new NAS sold these days will support SMB v2, or higher, so go with the most affordable one with the features you may want, like raided ‘swappable’ drives, VPN server for remote access and Plex Server for music etc.

Hey Ken, thanks for the feedback. I tried to update it after the app change but couldn’t. I did get into the interface but it wouldn’t update. I’m not particularly tech savvy and was miffed that we’re having all of this pain from such an arrogant company, so I gave up and subscribed to Apple Music to stream some of the albums I have. Not all are available on AM as they’re somewhat obscure. The streaming woe is another story with this new app and for another forum thread!

 The model is HS-DHGL Series Link Station.

 If I buy a new NAS am I guarantee that Sonos will index my music and will be playable again?

 Thanks again GC


What model is the Buffalo NAS? - do you know for sure that there are definitely no firmware updates for the NAS from the manufacturer that will allow it to be updated to use the SMB v2 (or higher) sharing protocol?

My Netgear NAS is old too and it’s OS6 GNU/Linux operating system has reached its last update, but it was updated in/around 2019 to support SMB2/3 - I think I paid around £800-£900 for it (give or take) about 15+ years ago (including RAM upgrade) - my own thoughts are that any new NAS sold these days will support SMB v2, or higher, so go with the most affordable one with the features you may want, like raided ‘swappable’ drives, VPN server for remote access and Plex Server for music etc.

Hey Ken, thanks for the feedback. I tried to update it after the app change but couldn’t. I did get into the interface but it wouldn’t update. I’m not particularly tech savvy and was miffed that we’re having all of this pain from such an arrogant company, so I gave up and subscribed to Apple Music to stream some of the albums I have. Not all are available on AM as they’re somewhat obscure. The streaming woe is another story with this new app and for another forum thread!

 The model is HS-DHGL Series Link Station.

 If I buy a new NAS am I guarantee that Sonos will index my music and will be playable again?

 Thanks again GC

It looks like there is tool (zip file) that you can download from here to use to switch the version of SMB on your NAS:

And there’s also a ‘read me’ help document to help you to switch the SMB version for the NAS that runs on the Windows platform - maybe have a read of that. If you can get the NAS using the higher version of SMB for your shares globally - you should be good to go and it should work with Sonos.

You ideally need a ‘user’ assigned to the library music folder share, or you can share it as a ‘guest’ on the LAN subnet - best to use a ‘user’ if that’s simple for you to setup.

Then later, (if needed) add the (shared) path to Sonos, something like this  //(NAS-IP Address]/Music (eg. //, or whatever the NAS IP address/Share-Name is …or you can use the netbios name (name of the NAS) eg: //My-NAS/Music and login with the user/credentials assigned - if using ‘guest’ as the user, leave the user/credentials blank. The share by the way only needs ‘read-only’ permissions for the Sonos user.

I don’t really see the point in getting a new NAS at this stage, as you will still have to go through similar steps for a Sonos library setup anyway.

What I would suggest is to get the NAS SMB level changed now, using the tool from the link above (assuming you have a Windows PC) and then wait until after the next App update (which is hopefully next week) and maybe use the mobile App to add the path and user credentials… as you might find that easier, or if you prefer use the Windows desktop controller App instead -selecting the 3rd option to setup the NAS share (as required). You might even find it will just work once you’ve switched the NAS to use the higher version of SMB, if you have the NAS library path in situ already in the App.🤔?

Hey Ken, thanks for the feedback. I tried to update it after the app change but couldn’t. I did get into the interface but it wouldn’t update. I’m not particularly tech savvy and was miffed that we’re having all of this pain from such an arrogant company, so I gave up and subscribed to Apple Music to stream some of the albums I have. Not all are available on AM as they’re somewhat obscure. The streaming woe is another story with this new app and for another forum thread!

 The model is HS-DHGL Series Link Station.

 If I buy a new NAS am I guarantee that Sonos will index my music and will be playable again?

 Thanks again GC

Following on from my last post @GC9000, if needed, maybe give the Buffalo customer services desk a call too.. here’s their numbers:

…they maybe able to assist you and walk you through the SMB upgrade of the NAS box with their windows tool (that’s if you do encounter any difficulties with it). Hope the link assists.👍

Hey Ken, thanks for the feedback. I tried to update it after the app change but couldn’t. I did get into the interface but it wouldn’t update. I’m not particularly tech savvy and was miffed that we’re having all of this pain from such an arrogant company, so I gave up and subscribed to Apple Music to stream some of the albums I have. Not all are available on AM as they’re somewhat obscure. The streaming woe is another story with this new app and for another forum thread!

 The model is HS-DHGL Series Link Station.

 If I buy a new NAS am I guarantee that Sonos will index my music and will be playable again?

 Thanks again GC

Following on from my last post @GC9000, if needed, maybe give the Buffalo customer services desk a call too.. here’s their numbers:

…they maybe able to assist you and walk you through the SMB upgrade of the NAS box with their windows tool (that’s if you do encounter any difficulties with it). Hope the link assists.👍

Thanks so much Ken

Just lost my own music library connection for the third time. Was forced to update the app on my Mac today and again the connection to my music library was lost. The previous 2 times occurred with the app introduction and then an update 2 weeks ago. Is there ever going to be an answer? Please bring back S2. Worked perfectly, never had any issues. have been a Sonos user from the early days, 2006, and have a lot of Sonos hardware that is now mostly worthless.

Any thoughts


Just lost my own music library connection for the third time. Was forced to update the app on my Mac today and again the connection to my music library was lost. The previous 2 times occurred with the app introduction and then an update 2 weeks ago. Is there ever going to be an answer? Please bring back S2. Worked perfectly, never had any issues. have been a Sonos user from the early days, 2006, and have a lot of Sonos hardware that is now mostly worthless.

Any thoughts


My thoughts are to perhaps check the username and credentials on the local library share and then check those credentials (username/password) and full library path are correct in the Sonos desktop controller App - note you need to select the 3rd option for NAS library share when checking the path, username & credentials in that App. I personally don’t recommend using the guest (everyone) share option, as it’s considered more secure to use a specific user instead, with just a ‘read’ only permission.

Lo and behold there’s an update that was released this morning, at least on the Apple App Store. I’m gonna wait to see if anyone here has given it a shot prior to taking the plunge. I hope it resolves the issues for the mobile app. Admittedly, I’d be very hesitant to replace my S2 desktop controllers considering the rumor floating around about Sonos’ plans to nuke it. The S2, which I had to reinstall, works great. The mobile app does not - at least in my case it doesn’t. 

Lots of positive reports from the latest app update re. music library functionality. Take a look at the most recent threads in the list for the discussion around this app update. 

Library access and updating fixed. Nothing else 

Just can't queue albums in Amazon on app... one at a time... could until today! 

Wondering how much longer....

Lots of positive reports from the latest app update re. music library functionality. Take a look at the most recent threads in the list for the discussion around this app update. 

Thanks, Rhonny and B33Jay…. I appreciate the information.  Was the Library access an automatic fix or, does one have to re-establish the network path and mess with Permission again?

Brad in AK

On android, iphone and ipad. 

Could see my library on app straight away, but I had been able to see it on desktop right through the 80.xx.xx episode.

Did take the precaution of updating library on Windows laptop using the win app v16.3 first as I thought it might be more stable.

Given the withdrawal of queuing of music service material, and still no personally compiled Sonos Playlists AND disappearing Favs and Recents going onto desktop from now on...frustration free. 

Library access and updating fixed. Nothing else 

Just can't queue albums in Amazon on app... one at a time... could until today! 

Wondering how much longer....

I know I posted this reply in another thread but just in case anyone else comes across this post, queue management is due to be implemented towards the end of August. 

Library access and updating fixed. Nothing else 

Just can't queue albums in Amazon on app... one at a time... could until today! 

Wondering how much longer....

I know I posted this reply in another thread but just in case anyone else comes across this post, queue management is due to be implemented towards the end of August. 

Queue management is due to RETURN towards the end of August (after an absence of over 3 months).

Library access and updating fixed. Nothing else 

Just can't queue albums in Amazon on app... one at a time... could until today! 

Wondering how much longer....

I know I posted this reply in another thread but just in case anyone else comes across this post, queue management is due to be implemented towards the end of August. 

Queue management is due to RETURN towards the end of August (after an absence of over 3 months).

Hold the phone... suddenly... on Amazon play now... Play next... Add to end of queue... Replace queue are back only took an hour! For a bear of small brain this is singularly bewildering... 

Library access and updating fixed. Nothing else 

Just can't queue albums in Amazon on app... one at a time... could until today! 

Wondering how much longer....

I know I posted this reply in another thread but just in case anyone else comes across this post, queue management is due to be implemented towards the end of August. 

Queue management is due to RETURN towards the end of August (after an absence of over 3 months).

Hold the phone... suddenly... on Amazon play now... Play next... Add to end of queue... Replace queue are back only took an hour! For a bear of small brain this is singularly bewildering... 

There on ipad too now... 🤔

Library access and updating fixed. Nothing else 

Just can't queue albums in Amazon on app... one at a time... could until today! 

Wondering how much longer....

I know I posted this reply in another thread but just in case anyone else comes across this post, queue management is due to be implemented towards the end of August. 

Queue management is due to RETURN towards the end of August (after an absence of over 3 months).

Hold the phone... suddenly... on Amazon play now... Play next... Add to end of queue... Replace queue are back only took an hour! For a bear of small brain this is singularly bewildering... 

Oh I see. You wanted the things they had added back a couple of weeks ago, that you’d suddenly lost? You weren’t asking about queue management as such. Glad they’re back for you.

tried new update still getting error 913 when trying to add my music folder back

tried new update still getting error 913 when trying to add my music folder back

There’s a Sonos document and a particular YouTube video that details how to manually direct the network path to your music folder(s).  It didn’t make my mobile app work but, I had to go through the machinations and reinstall the desktop S2 app and follow those guidelines to reconnect my music folders.  With that being said, I think that this recent update should have automatically resolved the 913 error and seamlessly reconnected the missing libraries. Remember when we originally connected our Sonos gear to our networks and everything magically… worked?

Here’s a Sonos Support document about error 913 …

It’s likely the library is using the wrong sharing protocol - the  share needs to be using SMB version 2 or 3.



I've unlinked my music library from Sonos and will use Plex from here on. I cannot play Various Artists albums. They show as individuals tracks in my music library and even then, I just get an error message if I try to play one track. The incompetence of Sonos is staggering.

Compare and contrast the search results in the app:


I've unlinked my music library from Sonos and will use Plex from here on. I cannot play Various Artists albums. They show as individuals tracks in my music library and even then, I just get an error message if I try to play one track. The incompetence of Sonos is staggering.

Compare and contrast the search results in the app:


Have you definitely updated the app to the yesterday’s version? And restarted the app?