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Message to Sonos Management

Dear All of Management, 

It is now several weeks since you launched new apps on Android, IOS, MacOS and probably Windows too.

Since then a lot of old functionality has gone, the only functionality remaining is streaming. By this you have frustrated a lot of previously happy users. Me one of them.

Why did you do that?

In the IT-Business it is normal to launch new (replacement) software after development, after fully testing, with usually the functionality of the old software mostly remaining.

You chose not to. Why?

You chose to only reinstall Music Services but not the local library function.

Why? Are your customers who have great pleasure in their music library’s not important enough?

From a marketing point of view this is all very strange of you. If someone asks me now wil you advise Sonos, I will have great hesitation. By letting me and others down for several weeks, with no advanced warning at all, well it makes the company unreliable. Your corporate reputation is now damaged. Client satisfaction can’t be high anymore. Why why why.

The worst is: I am not at all assured that you will bring back the music library function back, nor will  I trust that it will function perfect at once. I did have serious problems installing this function some years ago at startup. Sonos and Apple products did not seem to understand each other very well. 

For me personally and perhaps this is also the fact for others who are dependent on their music libraries: I do not like streaming services. They are less complete than my own library and it is difficult to find albums (one cannot browse) in those services. 

I am a pensioner and collecting music from when I was 12. And have been digitalising it for a 15 years now. My collection is therefore very large. You would very much please me if you get the local music library function back as soon as possible. 

Even better: why don’t you relaunch the old apps? They were working perfectly.

And when your new apps have similar functionality or better, then you may launch them. Then it would be an improvement. You launched to soon!

Please do your utmost.

Best regards, Robbert Moolhuijsen, Amsterdam - Holland. 






so,  i like you are very frustrated.  I have just found  a way to get my music files back.  there appears to be a block when pulling music from a pc,  but i just discovered if i look directly at my network storage (my cloud),  it works fine

not ideal but it does work.  not sure why they are so SILENT when it comes to offering , or not, support

so,  i like you are very frustrated.  I have just found  a way to get my music files back.  there appears to be a block when pulling music from a pc,  but i just discovered if i look directly at my network storage (my cloud),  it works fine

not ideal but it does work.  not sure why they are so SILENT when it comes to offering , or not, support

I just bought my first sonos product yesterday - Beam. It is connected to our TV, which has a connection to an AppleTV and that is how I have played music. I tried, on the MacOS app, to synch my music library on my hard drive to the Sonos app, but was not successful. How do I look directly at the network storage? I downloaded all my music to my hard drive - some from physical CDs and some from the web, so I don’t think I have anything in my cloud….


Maybe this wil help:

what kind of hard drive ? and do you know the location on the network ?

hmm...  I have a Macintosh HD using MacOS Ventura 13.6.7  ...Users>Cathy>Music>iTunes>iTunes Media>Music   whew! I have no idea why and  don’t remember how this string got so long.

Yes, I saw this article and was following the steps when I got the notice  my music folder could not bee added

so,  not a mac user.


do you have the sonos player installed on your mac ?

so,  not a mac user.


do you have the sonos player installed on your mac ?

I AM a mac user. I have a 27” iMac - 2017. I have downloaded and installed the “Sonos Controller for Mac” Version 16.2 and it lists my Beam as “Associated Product” with its serial number etc

Right now I am playing something on the Beam from the offered Music on the Sonos app - not my choice, but it shows that the app on my iMac can control the Beam

and you were getting the message that your library could not be added?  this appears to be a permissions issue.  file sharing or something like that.

I wish I knew how to give permission, if that is the problem. 

so, again, im not a mac user,  but under system preferences,  you could look for ,  or google how to allow sharing of files,  and specifically your music files and then try again

Thanks, but it does not work anymore…..

I have tried choosing from my hard drive “Users>Cathy>Music>iTunes>iTunes Media>Music”  - which is where my downloaded music is. I get an error message which says: 

Unable to add the shared folder “//Cathys-iMac-2/Music” to your Music Library (1001)”


But a popup from Settings keeps saying “Background items added: Software from “sonos, Inc” added items that can run in the background. You can manage this in Login items Settings”