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Mac Users - Any Word From Sonos On Restoring Access To Mac Music Folder?

  • 27 May 2024
  • 2 replies

Background: iMac using macOS Sonoma 14.5; Sonos Controller for Mac Version 16.2, Sonos OS S2, Build 79052294; Play 1 Sonos OS S2, Version 16.2 (build 79052294), Hardware Version 1.8.3-1.0

There have been a lot of helpful posts for Mac users with work arounds to access their local music library once it disappeared after updating to the new app. Some people had success - others didn't including me. I’ve tried all the suggestions several times with no joy. To date (27 May 2024) I haven’t found anything other than a statement from Sonos that they plan on having this issued resolved by mid-June. Am I missing something?


I have the same issue, tried the work arounds recommended by salami slices but this did not work, neither did turning my firewall off. Sorry I’m no help! Just highlighting you are not the only one very frustrated - if you get sorted please let us know. All the best



About to sell all my Sonos stuff on ebay.