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local library search update mid June

It's now June 27 .


Where is the local library search update that was promised for MID JUNE 





27 replies

As per the changes to the support page on 24th June, the date for the local library search was put back to July. 

Maybe continue to monitor this link for any further changes…

Userlevel 2
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Thank you. I searched everywhere and that didn't come up at all.


It's a major part of why I own 18 products it is also one of the most important issues for a huge amount of people so it should have  be addressed as a priority. IMHO.

Thank you. I searched everywhere and that didn't come up at all.


It's a major part of why I own 18 products it is also one of the most important issues for a huge amount of people so it should have  be addressed as a priority. IMHO.

Nah I think Sonos were right to prioritise the ‘voice over’ navigation accessibility features for those users that need assistance to navigate their App. A locally held library can still be browsed quite easily by Artist for the time being.

Userlevel 2
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Erm..... Not when you have over 60 thousand tracks and thousands of albums .


You try navigating that alphabetically without the aid of A to Z bar to actually go directly to a letter of the alphabet.


To each his own there are other voice navigation services and I personally don't use ANY. 


Like I said .... I bought Sonos and gave added to it . I have 7tvs with various products from bars to bases etc etc so everyone is allowed a personal opinion mine happens to be the local library search feature. I've purchased all my music on hard copies so I'm not locked into subscriptions for the rest of my life .


Thanks for your input tho and the link .

Erm..... Not when you have over 60 thousand tracks and thousands of albums .


You try navigating that alphabetically without the aid of A to Z bar to actually go directly to a letter of the alphabet.


To each his own there are other voice navigation services and I personally don't use ANY. 


Like I said .... I bought Sonos and gave added to it . I have 7tvs with various products from bars to bases etc etc so everyone is allowed a personal opinion mine happens to be the local library search feature. I've purchased all my music on hard copies so I'm not locked into subscriptions for the rest of my life .


Thanks for your input tho and the link .


The poster wasn’t talking about voice services.  He was talking about ADA access for the blind which was missing upon launch.  Big difference.

Userlevel 2
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My Father is blind and no disrespect to anyone with sight impairment that's a tiny tiny % of the community on Sonos ...The % of partially sighted people in the UK is very very small compared to the % of Sonos customers that lost functionality that they bought the system for 


So again I say that it's an individual issue of which mine is the local library search.

My Father is blind and no disrespect to anyone with sight impairment that's a tiny tiny % of the community on Sonos ...The % of partially sighted people in the UK is very very small compared to the % of Sonos customers that lost functionality that they bought the system for 


So again I say that it's an individual issue of which mine is the local library search.


The government doesn’t mandate a local library search. 

Userlevel 2
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So if it's a government mandate then why are you even questioning what I've said .


Please refrain from replying any further to my post . It's wasting both our time.

Plus who knows what's going to be mandated with the state of the politics in the UK . It's laughable.


Have a good day .

uhhhh, OK. 

My Father is blind and no disrespect to anyone with sight impairment that's a tiny tiny % of the community on Sonos ...The % of partially sighted people in the UK is very very small compared to the % of Sonos customers that lost functionality that they bought the system for 


So again I say that it's an individual issue of which mine is the local library search.

Your argument is that those with disabilities can sit at the back of the queue because they are in the minority, and that everyone should devote their time, energy and money to the those without disabilities because there are more of them?  Seriously, you need to take a long hard look at yourself, as your attitude sucks.  

Userlevel 2
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What would you know about my situation. But then why should you sitting behind your keyboard ????


I'm a disabled person so I can say what I like . It's called freedom of speech and why not put us to the back of the queue most able bodied people wouldn't give us a second look believe me I experience it each and every day of my life .


So who sucks now ?


Suggest that you live a day in my shoes and then you can be as crappy as you like !!!


Again's my opinion if you don't like it stop engaging with me .





Userlevel 2
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The only time probably would put yourself In my place is a parking space designated to disabled people.


"I'm only going to be 5 mins so it's ok "


You don't speak for all able bodied people and you certainly don't speak for the doubles community so go do good somewhere else.


Many thanks for your input tho . Changes my life....NOT

I don’t know why, as I’m waiting for the local library search too, but for some reason, I’m now really hoping that Sonos choose to push back its launch date even further, to ensure every accessibility feature possible is first included in their new App, before they choose to add that local search feature. Here’s hoping it’s last on their to-do list… 🤞

The accessibility features should have been included from day one. They ignored feedback and screwed over all customers to sell basic headphones. Such a massive mistake. And It’s taking them way too long fix it. IMO they give zero Fs about any of their customers. 

Userlevel 2
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I mean who did the beta testing ???


People that don't use Sonos OBVIOUSLY 


You can't tell me that no one mentioned all theses issues and features and they weren't important.


Just ridiculous. If I didn't have over 14 products around my home (can't afford to replace everything) I seriously would have just disposed of them all and moved to a competitor.

The accessibility features should have been included from day one. They ignored feedback and screwed over all customers to sell basic headphones. Such a massive mistake. And It’s taking them way too long fix it. IMO they give zero Fs about any of their customers. 

I understand some accessibility features were included in the initial release, but clearly there were some important things missing and Sonos have chosen to prioritise those, over the other missing App features that are now being added… I’m not arguing that point.

My issue is, that even though I do not use accessibility and do want the library search features myself, I am more than happy to wait for the library search …and let those that ‘need’ the accessibility features, get those first.

I don’t even mind if the library search is the last on the Sonos ‘to-do’ list, if it means that the accessibility features get priority for a minority. I think the majority in this instance should wait patiently.

There are already plenty of ways to search a local library (or a mirrored library) and play the results on Sonos, without such a search in any-case in the new App. IBroadcast, Plex or even create a .m3u playlist with a 3rd party App, or use such an App with search facilities and either AirPlay. or use DLNA/UPnP etc. for playback of the search results, to name but a few options currently available, to find/play whatever local tracks you want.

The accessibility features should have been included from day one. They ignored feedback and screwed over all customers to sell basic headphones. Such a massive mistake. And It’s taking them way too long fix it. IMO they give zero Fs about any of their customers. 

I understand some accessibility features were included in the initial release, but clearly there were some important things missing and Sonos have chosen to prioritise those, over the other missing App features that are now being added… I’m not arguing that point.

The iOS app was unusable with Voiceover on initial release (navigating through an app top to bottom in a straight line does t = accessible) Its gotten a little better with each release however still has a long way to go. Beta testers have alleged that Sonos ignored feedback that the app lacked basic accessibility but released it anyway.  They prioritized selling headphones over current customers even being able to access their systems as they did before the release going on 2 months 


I mean who did the beta testing ???


They had beta testers however some whistleblowers who morally couldn’t honor their NDA have said that Sonos ignored all feedback. 

Userlevel 2
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Typical !!

Userlevel 7
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Sonos admitted they ‘took their eye off the ball’ before release regarding accessibility - the App was unusable for some users.  They knew this before release (as well as the other issues they found out just before) - that they still did this is an absolute disgrace.  They did ignore all the issues raised during beta testing - and went ahead anyway.  Never mind beta (or alpha!) testers, there needs to be people with such requirements employed by Sonos and you would like to think the whole issue would never have arisen.

Sonos said the new App removed nothing and would only make things better - despite knowing otherwise.

Userlevel 2
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But what else can a consumer do ? Apart from vote with your feet and don't buy any future products. I've invested far too much to walk away........ Even though I want to !!!

I don’t understand why the new App was released early either, as the Sonos Ace Headphones mostly uses the new App for configuration & updates (It doesn’t even really need the App post-setup, except for updates/adjusting EQ/turning features on/off like spatial head-tracking) and I can’t see why those things could not have been added to the S2 App. Even the ‘excellent’ TV Audio Swap feature is done with a button press on the headphones once setup with an Arc.

I still think that there must be other reasons why the App was pushed out the door quickly. That said I’ve not encountered that many issues with the new App, I just find it a little slow in some areas like launching the App from a fully closed state can take approx. 7 seconds, as an example …and it can take a few seconds for playback to begin once a play/pause button is pressed. I’m guessing though that the App optimisation may come later and improve those things.

I find the new Sonos App quite similar to the Amazon Music App and that’s really quick to start music playback - so hopefully that aspect will improve later.🤞


Sonos said the new App removed nothing and would only make things better - despite knowing otherwise.

I do believe this is what would be called a lie. 


I still think that there must be other reasons why the App was pushed out the door quickly. That said I’ve not encountered that many issues with the new App, I just find it a little slow in some areas like launching the App from a fully closed state can take approx. 7 seconds, as an example …and it can take a few seconds for playback to begin once a play/pause button is pressed. I’m guessing though that the App optimisation may come later and improve those things.


That’s great Ken. seems like you are the one person the app is working well for. 

That great Ken. seems like you are the one person the app is working well for. 

I think once the library search/features have been added and queue editing, I’d be able to get along okay with how I like to use things. The App has been stable on my iPhone & iPad and the Music/TV audio is still playing here …and sounding good too. Any of the things I need, that are missing, like clearing a queue, for example, I’ve been using the Soro App for that, plus there’s always SVC and Alexa voice services too that seem to work well on Sonos around our Home, especially for grouping/ungrouping rooms and easily adjusting group volume.
