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When will Sonos either:


  1. retract this last release and restore to the last version that worked or
  2. Fix ALL the bugs and problems?

I have never in the last 25 years seen such a complete mess rolled out to customers. This new app doesn’t work as well as the very first release Complete garbage.

I have no inside source on this at all but, from what I’ve seen to date, there is zero chance of that happening. The attitude of senior management - calling this fiasco “courageous” - tells you everything you need to know. If they were going to be professional about it and revert to the last known good release, you would have seen it happen weeks ago.

Sadly for all of us existing customers we are not important enough to them - the fact that almost every existing Sonos customer is having to waste hours of their time on this just isn’t a priority.

Hopefully, though, software/systems engineers will learn from this. I would expect that this will be seen in future as a perfect case study of just how badly you can get a new software release wrong. Perhaps we will then have people with a better understanding of how to behave professionally and keep their customers happy.

Well, I am about ready to ditch Sonos then. All of the utility value for me is now lost.

Today’s update caused me to have to sign in and reauthorize some services. Nugs works again. Relisten still doesn’t work which is a hug problem for me. Still curious why Wolfgang’s was removed. Still no mute button on the App. Latency issue still exist.

A modicum of improvement but still far from where it was before this mess was released.

I could not agree more. I have been a loyal Sonos customer for over 15 years- investing in their first systems (which still work btw- if you don’t update app). What a beautifully made system that harkens back to the days when things were well made.

I recommended Sonos before any of my friends could comprehend how it worked - and it never disappointed.

This last release is the worst, most confusing thing I’ve seen from this company. Literally NOTHING works as it used to. What is happening? 

it’s amazing how bad this new app is!  Never seen anything like it.  

New update...only 4 out of 10 speakers work.  App itself is a joke!  Give us the old version back!!

Sonos needs to correct this awful situation. I fine from loving to despising sonos. 

New app as of about 3 weeks ago, today's date 6-4-2024, Garbage, buggy, stalling, navigation, slow, non responsive, shuts off with a breath a wind, or randome fart! WTF. What happened? Re-installed app twice, restarted router, restarted modem. Sonos, what are we doing wrong, everything seemed to have run smooth until latest app as if 6-4-2024. Advid user for atleat 5 years. Not a happy face currently because my music has stopped for the umpteen time today. Grr!

I just received my first Sonos speaker, the Sonos 5 gen 2... I've been trying to set it up for almost 2hrs now and I can't get it to show up or play anything thru the Sonos app or Google/YT. I even tried setting it up on a galaxy s23 ultra with and without ethernet. And on a iPhone 15 with and without ethernet. It'll say it connects to the wifi but the app won't see a damn thing. Pretty dissapointing.

This is so pitiful. I've tried the S1 app and the regular sonos app, it doesn't matter. I was hoping I could do line in audio. Nope, you need the app to be able to switch the source.. I don't know why I'm still beating my head against the wall at thus point. Brand new Sonos 5 for my birthday and won't work. I've been looking forward to this coming in the mail for a while now. I'm honestly really sad. I've tried literally everything and every way of setting it up. I even factory reset my fios router and my Google nest pro router and redid everything just to make sure and I tried the setup everytime with and without ethernet..

The latest Android app is without doubt the Biggest load of c**p I have ever had to try and negotiate. If so called ‘management ‘ set out to produce the most unfriendly and bug ridden interface possible, then they did a brilliant job. These guys don't have a clue how to design and build a consumer friendly app that encourages users to buy their products. The app has always been poor but this latest version is downright horrible.

Shame on you SONOS !!! Shame on you !!!

How can you possibly release such a piece of c**p application (for Android) ??? 

In one release you remove a feature, the next release you add it back, then the next one you remove again and now it is back (wake up timers) ?!?!?

What’s wrong with you ???????

When will you put back the feature to have again the local library from a network storage ????

I’ve never seen such a bad regression for an app update !!

You are going to lose all of your customers in no time


I completely agree with the comments above. I’m a very loyal Sonos customer and refer the system regularly. That being said, this latest app upgrade is super frustrating to use. It is hard to fathom that anyone in the company, particularly the CEO & upper management have not given it a test drive to see what the heck they released. Hopefully there will be an option to go back to previous version or fix this asap. Clearly there is consensus amongst your customer base that you are listening & paying attention to. 

Long time Sonos users — a dozen or more products. This new app is unreal. So frustrating. Nothing works properly. I echo all of the complaints and frustration discussed all over the Internet. Sonos—what will you do to fix this? At least just give us S2 back! 

Update, I was finally able to get my BRAND NEW sonos five working.. it'll only work on ethernet. Wifi is out of the question. I've tried both my new fios router and the Google nest pro.. it refuses both. 

Negative comments go back a long way. Is sonos responding or plan to address at all? 

Rather than forums, I suggest all who have issues to report an incident. (If you had not already done so.) If you have and the issue was closed , reopen it.flood the call center and fill the queues. These call centers and the negative 1st call resolution stats will reflect on the problem and will(should) make it's way up the chain to engineering eventually putting pressure on to resolve.


Negative comments go back a long way. Is sonos responding or plan to address at all? 

Rather than forums, I suggest all who have issues to report an incident. (If you had not already done so.) If you have and the issue was closed , reopen it.flood the call center and fill the queues. These call centers and the negative 1st call resolution stats will reflect on the problem and will(should) make it's way up the chain to engineering eventually putting pressure on to resolve.



Great, overflow the call center, where the lower level employees are already overworked helping people who actually need help.  Good plan.  Really helpful.  🙄
