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I doubt this will cover any ground that hasn’t already been covered but I am at that stage where I just need to air all the problems and issues I have after the disastrous May update and all the subsequent updates.

I’m no expert in these matters but know enough to at least set up and use Sonos and also connect up a NAS drive to play my music library. All the speakers operate wirelessly. My broadband connection is fast and there are no reception dead spots in the house - it’s a bungalow. The speakers are 2 x Play 3 plus a Playbase, sub and 2 x One which form myTV room sound system.

Whilst the app has never been perfect, it was at least generally OK and fit for purpose. A few little niggles and issues here and there but nothing that couldn’t usually be fixed by simply resetting the app, rebooting the router or turning Sonos products off and back on.

After reading about all the problems with the new update I simply reverted back to the old version of the app. I have monitored the general views expressed over the last few months but recently deceived to update to the latest version of the app on my phone and on my iPad. This was predominantly so that I could reconnect my music library on my NAS drive which is a MyCloud. 

Since updating I’ve have had a whole myriad of issues. 

Music library - neither the Android phone app nor the IOS iPad app recognises my music library. It is though recognised on the WIndows desktop app.

Volume control - the various Sonos speakers constantly reset the volume to -1. If I then adjust the volume up, it slides back down to -1. It then takes several attempts for the volume to eventually decide to adjust to the correct volume number. The volume shown on the app is often not the true volume.

Turning speakers on - as my music listening habits are fairly set in stone, I normally just press the on button on a speaker expecting it to just start playing whatever was last played, usually BBC radio 2 via BBC Sounds. However the system seems to always reset itself when it’s turned off so that you then have to reset whatever you want to listen to when turning it back on.

Speaker and service drop outs - the system regularly drops one of the connected speakers. We mainly use 2 x Play 3 speakers in 2 different rooms which we have on at the same time. If a speaker drops out, it usually disappears from the system screen. Sometimes it comes back itself, other times you have to reset the app. Similarly the system will regularly stop playing whatever podcast is on, again usually something from BBC Sounds.

Now playing artwork - nothing shows when playing live radio station or podcast on BBC Sounds.

App settings - some settings randomly disappear but then come back when the app is reset.

There’s probably more but these are the ones that come to mind. It’s probably a good job I don’t usually use/edit playlists……

I know I could probably circumvent most of the above issues by using the desktop app but for me that then totally defeats the object of Sonos as the phone app is what I want to use to control everything. Whether using the desktop app would also stop the drop outs etc I don’t know but I’ve simply run out of patience to keep trying Elastoplast fixes. The app DID work. It doesn’t now and I wonder how long it will now take Sonos to restore the functionality we previously had.

A frustrated member of the general Sonos using public………..







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