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With the new iPad os 18 my idle/sleep battery usage seems to be higher than it was under 17. Yes, I should know better and wait until a couple of point releases before upgrading 😂

When looking at what was using battery and screen time I came across this unexpected entry. “Sonos S1 Controller”

What is very unexpected is I don’t have the Sonos S1 Controller installed and never had, so is this the normal and a bug with the Sonos app misreporting itself to the iPad os?

More curious is why is the Sonos app I haven’t run or opened since upgrading is reporting screen time usage daily with over 2 ½ hours of screen time this week?


I’m seeing the same thing on my iPad and iPhone. ETA also running v18 on both

On (a much more sensible) iOS 17.7 it reports correctly as Sonos on the new app in Screen time….

On (a much more sensible) iOS 17.7 it reports correctly as Sonos on the new app in Screen time….

Sounds like the name is just a iOS 18 thing then just curious it shows up without it installed. Yeah, I should know better.

Not sure why it is even showing as using screen time when I’ve not opened it since starting the iPad, but that could also be an v18 thing and it should be reporting as a background process.