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ikea sonos symfonisk bookshelf speaker won't register after update

After the most recent sonos update, I cannot add symfonisk bookshelf speakers to the app.

I have tried: 
reseting device
transferring ownership to same account 

Any other ideas?? @sonos any rep can comment on this?

Android Phone:

  1. I updated the app with the most recent update.
  2. Factory reset my symfonisk bookshelf speaker.
  3. Ran through the set up again and it has finally f***king worked


Je l'ai fait des dizaines de fois et toujours rien tu veux dire qu'il faut le faire et refaire sans relache y a un moment donné je vais devenir fou lol

Moderator edit:
Google Translate-
I've done it dozens of times and still nothing you mean you have to do it over and over again at some point I'm going to go crazy lol

Anyone able solve tue symphonisk connect issues?


crazily I still can connect them to my sister, alot of music services are also still not working argh 


no updates in a while, do Sonos consider this app now resolved ??? 

My ikea symfonisk speakers been turned off now for a week as I cannot pair them to the current system. I can have my arc and sub mini working on their own or symfonisks with sub mini as a separate system. There is no way to have them all working as they used to. Once I pair them ikea speakers my previously set up system using arc and sub mini is then disappearing from the app. When I had it set up as ikea speakers + sub I couldn’t get arc connected to the system. I would be asked to update the network settings but when I did that arc would not play passcode to identify itself and when I typed the pin manually it wouldn’t then recognise infinity button press 🤦🏻‍♂️. There is no win. I am sick of it now. Sonos pull your finger out and get it sorted or send me a set of new speakers that will work. I shouldn’t be wasting hours on end of my precious time fixing your crap