I’ve tried the TuneIn workaround for 2 stations: DR P2 and NPO Klassieke and neither seems to be available in TuneIn. I’m in the UK
Hi Andy. I’ve found the URL addresses for those two stations. Add them to the dedicated TuneIn app on your phone (go to library, add custom URL), then save them as favourites in the TuneIn app. Next, open the Sonos app, go to your library in the TuneIn (new) section and you should find these streams there. Save them to your Sonos favourites and they should work. If you want to re-name them, go to the desktop Sonos app.
DR P2: http://live-icy.gss.dr.dk:8000/A/A04L.mp3
NPO Klassieke: https://icecast.omroep.nl/radio4-eigentijds-mp3
In another thread on here, someone has heard back from MyTuner that it is indeed a licensing issue suddenly preventing UK listeners accessing non-UK stations.
The TuneIn workaround works great:
- Find stream URL (I use http://fmstream.org)
- On TuneIn app, paste stream address into ‘Custom URL’ in library
- Add stream to TuneIn favourites by clicking heart icon
- Go to ‘TuneIn (new)’ in Sonos app, add stream to Sonos favourites
- On Sonos desktop app, change stream name to station name
It’s not ideal (no cover art) and is a bit time-consuming, but it works!
Been watching this thread since the nonsense updates. Thanks for this work around. I’m in the UK and my station of choice is RTE Gold, in Ireland. This method worked for me, but I did need to turn off Wi-Fi on my phone and allow cellular in the Tune in app to allow it to find the station from the URL I got from your link above. Posting this in case it’s useful for anyone else in the UK. Cheers
Thanks for your help W.J.B. I’ve got them both working now. I’d picked up the wrong URLs from fmstream.org - the website addresses in fact rather than the streaming URLs, so not surprising that I got an error along the lines of “can’t decode that” 
I can't play a radio station via MyTuner Radio anymore via the updated app. This worked all fine untill the app update (of last week). Even BBC Radio 2 can’t be played.
If I use the app on my Windows computer it all works fine.
The only error message I get is: Something went wrong
Please help!
Thanks, Marc
PS: I have tried all the usual stuff (un and re-install the app, remove and add myTuner Radio as a service)
So over a month has gone by and not much has changed! I’ve had the same problem and the stations I used to listen to as favourites aren’t on the current myTuner list - none of my favourite American or French stations and the ones that I can play just aren’t the same quality. I’ve been away for a week so not using Sonos but even my partner’s ancient Ikon internet radio has a better selection (but no BBC Sounds) so I’m seriously thinking of going the internet radio route - except I have a speaker downstairs and one upstairs, then what do I do with the heap of Sonos junk? BTW I’ve only used the laptop tonight, so no idea what the tablet will do - probably nothing.
Essex Girl - still disillusioned.
This is ridiculous. We’ve paid an awful lot of money for these speakers, and the new app won’t even let you play the radio.
I’m also having issues with idagio - you can play a single track, but not a whole album or playlist.
I’ve tried the TuneIn workaround for 2 stations: DR P2 and NPO Klassieke and neither seems to be available in TuneIn. I’m in the UK
TuneIn changed their rules last year (I think) due to copyright laws. If you’re in the UK like me, you will only be able to listen to UK-based radio stations. A bit of a bummer...
Hi Nick,
Thanks for your reply. Yes, I’m in the UK, but Tune In for international stations was working up until the app update. It also doesn’t explain why idagio no longer works fully since that same update. It’s a great streaming service, but clearly isn’t Sonos or Apple or Amazon … Perhaps we are being herded in those mainstream directions (if so, so much for streaming “all the music in the world”). I was planning on upgrading my system this year, but will wait to see what happens with these issues. If things don’t improve, I will cut my losses and switch brands.
Thanks again,
I’ve tried the TuneIn workaround for 2 stations: DR P2 and NPO Klassieke and neither seems to be available in TuneIn. I’m in the UK
TuneIn changed their rules last year (I think) due to copyright laws. If you’re in the UK like me, you will only be able to listen to UK-based radio stations. A bit of a bummer...
NickV, I’ve got them both working by using the method of pasting the stream address into Custom URL - see earlier description of what to do by W.J.B. NPO always starts with a voice telling you that you’re listening to a stream (I guess that’s it as I don’t speak Dutch) which is a bit annoying but then BBC Sounds have their annoying “BBC Sounds, music, radio, podcasts” before a lot of items.
Unfortunatly I cannot add custom URL as favorite in tunein app in from Android. Therefore I cannot see the station in SONOS and cannot play it. So disappointing
This is staggeringly bad! Still cannot play anything other than BBC Sounds! All myTuner stations STILL not streaming! Appalling service from a premier brand (and what was a great system). If I hadn’t spent so much money on Sonos products I’d be looking for a better system… any suggestions?
Thanks. Just adding to favourites in the TuneIn app doesn't seem to work. It doesn't record the new name. The URL shows in the list of favourites without a name but doesn't transfer to Sonos. Have you experienced that?
This is staggeringly bad! Still cannot play anything other than BBC Sounds! All myTuner stations STILL not streaming! Appalling service from a premier brand (and what was a great system). If I hadn’t spent so much money on Sonos products I’d be looking for a better system… any suggestions?
I’ve nearly sold all my Sonos gear and moved to Cambridge Audio components. So much better with real customer service and high quality hardware. Super app as well.
I too am no longer able to play international stations through the myTuner service on the Sonos app in the UK. However, I suspect it’s a change by myTuner rather than Sonos, as I’ve just tried installing the myTuner iPhone app, and it’s showing “This station is not available in your location”. My guess is they’ve belatedly followed TuneIn in blocking non-UK stations out of concerns about copyright laws.
I'm getting "not available etc" on the app, but I've bought some cheap speakers that I can use Bluetooth and the tablet on, and am playing a US station that was said not to be available through the myTuner web site. Not ideal but better than nothing.
Essex Girl.
I too am no longer able to play international stations through the myTuner service on the Sonos app in the UK. However, I suspect it’s a change by myTuner rather than Sonos, as I’ve just tried installing the myTuner iPhone app, and it’s showing “This station is not available in your location”. My guess is they’ve belatedly followed TuneIn in blocking non-UK stations out of concerns about copyright laws.
Yep, I've been searching, and there's a Wikipedia post about myTuner being available worldwide... But not in the UK. There was plenty of publicity about TuneIn and the cases brought by music publishers, but there's been nothing about this and certainly not from the people who should be telling us SONOS. But I can play stations from the myTuner web site - at the moment l
Essex Girl
I noticed that MyTuner has several versions. When I install it on Android, it downloads the MyTuner_UK version.
Probably the same thing happens when Sonos downloads it.