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How was this new app approved? Who finalized and checked off on quality?

  • 22 June 2024
  • 2 replies

This new app is downright terrible. You can't access any of the playlists you have created, edited, and played the last couple of years. You get constant error messages, and no reason as to why. Then when you do get access to a playlist whether it be through your Apple or Spotify account it stops playing a song abruptly 45 seconds or a minute and a half through skipping to another song that isn't even next up in the playlist shown even in shuffle as it used to show you in the former application. I have heard one full song in the past 2 hrs. Then when you get into a playlist either way you can even scroll.the playlist you have to wait a couple seconds to load 10-15 titles and do that again to scroll down the list unlike the previous app where it was fluid and you scroll the entire lists seamlessly. Revert back to the old application and do us a favor. Allow us to have back the control we had before. Newer isn't always better. Fix all the issues because the brand name is definitely taking a hit for these issues worldwide. The application is simply bad very bad.

2 replies


This is how you revert back:


Userlevel 7
Badge +10

This is how you revert back:


This assumes that you don’t have the latest firmware which is:

Version: 16.3 (build 80155014)
