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In my household I have a Sonos One in my daughter’s room, and an Arc and a Beam in other parts of the house. I have everything connected to my Sonos account using Spotify and Alexa. I want to restrict what my daughter can listen to in her room, so I set her up with her own Spotify account on my family plan and restricted explicit music.

I can’t figure out how to set it up so her Spotify account plays on her Sonos One, and my account plays in the other parts of the house. I tried creating a separate Sonos account, but the Sonos app wouldn’t let me. I added both her and my Spotify accounts to my Sonos account, but couldn’t tell it to use one account on one device, and another account on the others.

What can I do here? I will have to get rid of the Sonos One and buy some other speaker if I can’t restrict explicit music in her room.

You don’t add Spotify accounts to speakers, you install them in the Sonos app and the user chooses which account they want to use. The app will remember the last used account. The speaker will too, so when you last use the speaker it will play on your account (also when you command it through Google Assistant.

Not that I’m really bothered with explicit lyrics (I feel talking about it will do more than restricting children in this respect) but I do not think there’s a Sonos setting for this - Spotify does have a setting for this, but if your daughter picks another Spotify account without restrictions in the Sonos app, you’re back to square one.

  • Reset the One to remove it from your system
  • Reset the Sonos app on your daughter's device
  • Using your daughter's device, set up a new system with the One only
  • Finally, add only your dauhgter's Spotify account to this second system.

Good tip, though once in a while users or apps could confuse the systems, which would necessitate an app refresh.