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How do I play any media from Android phone?

  • 22 January 2022
  • 8 replies

I’m new to Sonos and bought a Roam because I want to stream my Android phone,  iPad and Macbook without endless bluetooth pairing/unpairing.  The Ipad and Mac work brilliantly but I’m disappointed that it’s only specific apps I can stream from my phone.  I had assumed that I’d be able to stream any audio I wanted from my phone.  I listen to French radio stations - which aren’t available within the Sonos app. 

Is Bluetooth the only way I can do it? 

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8 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +17

Streaming through wifi is only possible through Apple Airplay on newer Sonos devices, not on Android phones. Streaming music that’s on your phone can be done from Android (but not from Apple on older Sonos devices).

I’m surprised that the stations you listen to aren’t available on TuneIn or other music services though….

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

Have you done a search for the stations you want, under “Stations” in the app?


You may need to “Add a Service” such as MyTuner and RadioPlayer first, under Settings, Services & Voice. 

There are problems listening to many non-UK stations through services like TuneIn because of legal restrictions.

@Dromedary  - which French stations do you listen to?

There is always Bluetooth, despite your preference not to use it. 


John B,  yes that’s true.  I got rid of a small Bose with presets because TuneIn etc stopped streaming the stations I listen to.   Yes, may well have to use the Bluetooth.  It’s not a massive prob - I’d just assumed I’d be able to stream any audio output from the phone. 

I mainly listen to France Info, France Culture and RFI.  



Userlevel 7
Badge +19

France Info, France Culture and RFI Monde are all available on MyTuner Radio. 

Hi Nik9669a.  MyTuner says those stations are not available in my region.  (I’m in UK) The Bluetooth works fine though and I’ll stick with that for the phone.  

Thanks for the suggestion though. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

Hi Nik9669a.  MyTuner says those stations are not available in my region.  (I’m in UK) The Bluetooth works fine though and I’ll stick with that for the phone.  

Thanks for the suggestion though. 

Glad you’re sorted.

Strange though: I’m in the UK too but found them through the search, and they all play to my speakers. 

I use the following streaming URLs, which I have added manually to Sonos:

France Culture:

France Info:

France Inter: