I am running Media Monkey 5 (MM5) on my laptop and have enabled both MM5 server and library.
I am using the Sonos App on my Galaxy S22 Ultra and on my laptop.
In the Sonos App I can see both the MM5 Server and MM5 Library including all my music and playlists
I select the MM5 library, then select playlists, then choose a playlist, and can see all the songs
At this point the only option I have is to add the Playlist to My Sonos or individually add each song - 1 by 1 - to the queue.
What the heck am I missing? Why can’t I simply play a playlist from my MM5 server or library in Sonos? Why is this hard?
If I choose a playlist that is saved on my phone I immediately get 2 buttons on top that let me play it or shuffle it.
Is there a way to play a playlist on Sonos from a media library or media server?