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How can go back to the last Windows Sonos apps that worked ?

  • 29 May 2024
  • 4 replies

Hello everybody !

Sorry for the title, not sure it was relevant… But maybe it is after all. I don’t know.
I will start by a speech, then ask my question 🙂 

First, I have to say that I love music ! I have bought more than 16134 tracks (both from digital market and imported from my vinyls).

I also love good hardwares, I have 3 great amps, 1 connected to an Xbox and the 2 others connected to a Sonos Connect. I bought the Sonos Connect because its capability to connect to a 3rd-party amp, those amps being connected to a very good pair of passive loudspeakers each. I do not like the sound coming from active speakers.

So my installation was exactly what I was looking for…


For the 3rd (and last !) time, the Sonos setup has regressed and it was one time too much.


The 1st time was when they removed the feature to manage Sonos devices from the Windows app. I discovered that when I have bought my second Sonos Connect, a very few years after the first one ; I could not believe that someone had this idea ! … I discussed with a Product Manager at Sonos, but he was deaf to the reasons why I needed that. As you can see, at Sonos’, the Product Managers know what the users need better than the users themselves.

The 2nd time was when I add a big issue with my Internet Provider. I have been 3 months (!!!) without an Internet connection. I had to go through the mobile data. At this occasion, I discovered that, despite I was having Sonos hardware and NAS connected at the same LAN through an Ethernet connection, the fact that the Sonos app was not able to connect to a remote server for a while ended the capability to play my music. This is what I call a badly designed application, but I am sure that this is what all the users want except me !

The 3rd time was yesterday. I wanted to play some music, but the app has just been updated… And my local library has been removed. I have found some guide to reconfigure it through the Web client… Which needs to have access to my NAS ressource.


I really do not appreciate the way Sonos is taken. What is unbearable to me is that they make their products evolve the way I don’t like, and it sounds like I can do nothing to stop that.


And now, here is my question :

So, if some of you could have some good advices to restore the situation from the start…

I absolutely have no usage of the mobile app (which seams alas to be in the heart of the Sonos core strategy with the Cloud)… On the PC, I am using Phonos Universal, for years and years, which may be the best Sonos client I have found. Even when the Sonos mobile app was not able to play a track located on the NAS (I do not know why, but there was apparently an issue with the network access), it was working using Phonos.

But even now, Phonos cannot see my local music library, which drives me mad.


To be honest, if there no solution, all my Sonos stuffs will go to the garbage. I have never seen products managed like if they were just softwares. That company makes everything to make their stuff unusable at a moment, I am sure there is a law against that (Apple knows that very well).


Many thanks for your patience and your help.


Sonos no longers supports the SMB v1 share protocol due to security concerns (that never really affected Sonos, but that’s another story).  You need to turn off SMB v1 on your PC and enable SMB v2/v3.  Here’s a help page for that:


Sonos no longers supports the SMB v1 share protocol due to security concerns (that never really affected Sonos, but that’s another story).  You need to turn off SMB v1 on your PC and enable SMB v2/v3.  Here’s a help page for that:


Hello @jgatie 

I sent you an answer, two days ago, and wanted to send you an update today… My previous message is not here :-/

I have discussed with a guy from the Support team. He told me that the local music library feature was delayed.

I don’t know how a “removed feature” can be said “delayed” by Sonos, but I don’t try to understand them anymore.

Regarding the link you sent me, I have to say that the music files are not hosted on a Windows Server but a NAS under Linux.

By the way, I have checked the SMB protocol version on the NAS, and it already accepts from SMB2 to SMB3.

So this is not an issue with the SMB version…

But thanks for your help !


Sonos no longers supports the SMB v1 share protocol due to security concerns (that never really affected Sonos, but that’s another story).  You need to turn off SMB v1 on your PC and enable SMB v2/v3.  Here’s a help page for that:


FYI, I also checked my Windows configuration, and SMB1 is disabled. Windows 10 and 11 come with SMB1 disabled by default.

The SMB1 vulnerabilities sound to be very old ones ! :-)

Hi !

For everybody, the last Sonos Windows application update made be able to recreate the local libraries.

For what I have received in another of my posts and the Sonos Support team, Sonos has released an app in a quick & dirty mode that worked with their new headset but nobody was still able to use local libraries.

So, today, I can see it the local library] but it can only be played on one of my two Sonos Connect, the other one only displays the following laconic message : “(i) An issue occured” (translated from the French message I have on my pityPhone).

I will create a new post for this issue.