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Hey Sonos, I am not happy!

  • 8 May 2024
  • 5 replies

Hey Sonos,

Just my 2 cents worth in case you are listening…

I was really exciting/optimistic for the release of the new Sonos App!

I don’t need to repeat the long list of gripes/problems that I and others are having with the App.
I think that you have unfortunately dropped the ball with releasing an App “update?” that is buggy and lacks quite a LOT of the functionality that was included in your “old” S2 App. You probably should have  left the old S2 App available for download until the new App is up to standard and contains a feature set that at least matches what is in your old S2 App.

The lack of pre-warning from you regarding the number of missing features in the new app makes me question the level of respect you have for your existing Sonos customer base, which is concerning to me and should also be to you.

I personally think that you are betting a LOT on the success of the new products being released later this year. Therefore annoying your existing customer base with releasing what I would consider a beta-level version of your new App (certainly not an upgrade) at this time simply doesn’t make sense to me. ☹️


Here here!

Thanks Ross, as a longtime SONOS user I couldn’t agree more.  I’ve been able to manage using my computer controller which thankfully wasn’t updated. But the iPhone and iPad apps are so buggy and missing basic functionality as to be almost completely useless. 

Thanks @Lisa_30.

Just FYI, I am also a long time user and have generally have been a fan. I have invested quite a bit on my Sonos gear. I currently have:

2 x Play 5 Gen2
3 x Sonos One
1 x Beam
1 x Ray
2 x Sub Mini
1 x Sub Gen 2

I was pretty keen on getting the new Sonos “Ace” Headphones when they are released - hopefully next month, but I am not sure if I want to risk effectively being a “beta tester” of this new product as it seems that their quality control has sadly slipped from the level it has been in the past.


Completely agree.  This update is a complete and total dumpster fire.  I am so disappointed.  As a Sonos dealer, this is going to be a fn nightmare for me.  Roll this shit back asap

Lack of warning is not the issue. The issue is loss of function. I have a dedicated network hard drive and that has worked fine for many years. One of the reasons I have invested so heavily in Sonos products is my ability to access the digital music I own. Suddenly you tell me that I need to upgrade that system so that it is compatible with the new software and, frankly, that is a tremendous imposition. Not only am I expected to buy new hardware, I have to go through the brain damage of figuring out what I need to buy, and then I have to copy my old hard drive, and I guess just throw that away, and then learn how to hook up the new system. Complete BS. And, by the way, the claim that the system I have been using presents a security risk is more BS. But even if true, should I not have the right to decide whether to assume that risk? Why not continue offering the old software for people, like me, who do not see the point in upgrading a system that has been working well for YEARS?