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HELP Me, Please..With The New App!!!

  • 14 July 2024
  • 7 replies

This issue or so I thought as such has been explained by @Ken_Griffiths. Thanks @Ken_Griffiths. See his post. I still standby my premise that TEAM WORK is a valuable asset during these trying times. Enjoy your Sonos!

Now that I’ve got your attention.

The title of this post while accurate is not a cry to this community for help. This is a community and some things cannot be resolved by constant complaining within it. 

I recently discovered that the balance control for iOS and Android devices within the Sonos Amp doesn’t work when a sub is connected. The work-around is to use the MacOS or Windows Desktop controller. Rather than rant and rave here in the community I contacted Sonos Tech Support to get an answer and working together we (I and Sonos Tech Support) uncovered the temporary work-around. Get the full story by clicking on the link.🔗 

Today I noticed (again) that when grouped speakers are playing in sync the volume control to adjust individual speaker levels is no longer working. I believe it has been mentioned before in the community. At one time it was working for me. However, creating or adding to another post to get an answer is not going to help; as I have seen no post with an update on the issue. What I have seen is constant complaining.

My point to all of you is to stop creating and/or giving a “like” to posts that do nothing but complain. I know that calling Sonos Tech Support (STS) can be a PTA at this time. However, I donated well over 90 minutes (not including call backs which were scheduled and honored) to work with STS on the balance control issue.

I’m not looking for a bunch of “likes” or “at-a- boys” because of what I did. What I do want to communicate is that everyone in this community has to stop the constant complaining about the app (and bringing class action law suits) and donate the tine to consult with STS and then report back with findings. The answers may not be what we want to hear; but at least we may know the progress toward a resolution (or even if STS is aware ) of the issue.

Is anyone willing to investigate/consult on this issue with STS and report back; or do I have to pick-up the gauntlet again? If you already know the answer please share it.

As my signature states...Together Everyone Achieves More = T.E.A.M.



Cab you perhaps describe the steps to reproduce, I’m not seeing (haven’t seen) this individual room volume level control issue with my own setup?


In the past when speakers were grouped touching the volume slider brought up individual speaker level control. Now you must tap the icon below the volume control that shows the original and number of speakers grouped. For instance my now playing screen shows Fireplace and one other speaker ( or stereo pair) are grouped. To adjust individual levels I must tap the icon mentioned. If that’s a change I’m not aware of it. If if is then so be it 😂

BTW… thanks for responding!

EDIT: Before a master level control would appear in addition to the individual level controls.



When on the Home Screen, as an example, I see two ways to view the volume controls of the individual players within the group. 

One is a ‘quick popup’ screen - see attached, where it’s easy/simple to change volume of the group or each individual room (as demonstrated).

The other option is to select the room grouping screen and adjust individual room volume levels there, but you cannot adjust “group volume“ on that screen, it’s individual rooms only - see screenshot attached.

Note group volume can be adjusted in the slide-up “oom selector screen” too, after sliding it up screen.

OK… thanks @Ken_Griffiths 😊

I now see what you are saying and it works. However the volume level adjustment was available in the 1st pic I sent. Would be nice to have it in both places rather than clicking the icon or going back to the Home Screen. But that’s the price of progress. Some changes are welcomed and other are not 😂

I can’t recall if the individual room volume controls were available from that “Now Playing” screen, I’ll have to take your word for it @AjTrek1, but I see the same as you, so I’m guessing it’s ’by design’.
