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Has anyone noticed a significant difference in battery life when using an Intel Evo laptop for streaming music to their Sonos speakers?

  • 25 September 2023
  • 2 replies

Hey there, fellow tech enthusiasts!

I recently got my hands on an Intel Evo laptop, and I'm absolutely loving it so far. However, I've been primarily using it for streaming music to my Sonos speakers, and I can't help but wonder if anyone else has noticed a significant difference in battery life when doing the same.

My old laptop used to handle this task quite well without draining the battery too quickly, but with the Evo, I've noticed some variations. It's still much better than my previous non-Evo laptops, but I'm curious about your experiences.

Have any of you been using an Intel Evo laptop for streaming music to your Sonos speakers, and have you noticed any noticeable differences in battery life compared to other tasks or laptops you've used before?

I'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences. It could be helpful for others considering an Intel Evo laptop for similar purposes or looking to optimize their setup.

Looking forward to your insights and tips!


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2 replies

Can you first maybe go onto clarify what Application and source you are using to stream audio to your speakers? Are you using Airplay, API (direct connection), Bluetooth, or are you playing from a locally stored library using the Sonos App, or Plex etc? 

Userlevel 7
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A lot comes down to what you are asking the laptop to do and how that impacts the internal power management.

If playing to your Sonos is keeping internal systems from entering higher level sleep states that would impact battery life.

I moved my local library to a very low power NAS setup to avoid having to leave another system powered up.