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We know it’s bad, they have not provided guidance, and I can expect a few months before it’s back to ‘before the regression’ of features. 

I just want to know how to install the old app. Need to move on with my life. No drama. My mistake for falling for their hype. 


The bottom line for any company is the almighty $$$$$$$

Sonos WILL care when sales drops and word gets out what happened, I will continue to spread the word until they fix it. 

And to make matters wore, tech support used to pick up immediately, never a wait (because there were never problems and issues that you needed to call about.

Now the wait is 70 mins, 90 mins.

I suspect the recording says this so that you’ll not bother to waste time on the phone for that long, only to be told “we’re working on it”, “we know there’s a problem and we apologize for any inconvenience this is causing you”, etc.

Well, sonos, this is going to cause you more than an inconvenience. Think sale losses, sonos.

The person who did this update should have been immediately FIRED.

I can’t really look past this issue. The new app has nuked functionality of the 12+ speakers I own. We need to demand a rollback, or options, now.

Agreed! I already wrote a strongly worded email to Support. I am starting to prepare to completely leave Sonos if this does not get fixed in the next two weeks!


My Email:

I am writing this email because it is 12:46am and I just realized my attempt to go back to S1 has been thwarted by your Program Management team. I have been a loyal Sonos customer for years… but to not fix this for over a month?!?!? It’s beyond a screw up, now it’s malice.

I am giving you all one last chance to fix this before I throw in the towel. Please let us downgrade! 

A lot of us are about to leave Sonos and its eco system. 

If you have a windows computer and do a google search for: GitHub itunes charles, you should find the answer how to do it. The string I needed was 864228318 but that might or might not depend on location so follow the instructions on that page you’ll find. There likely is also a way using Mac.

Like it’s said there, it looks overwhelming but following the instructions it’s easy. Well worth the effort for me. I’m back in 16.1 on iPhone. Before downgrading, I enabled the Sonos Voice Location for weather feature in the new app. 

Hi Kpr

I tried to install the file com.sonos.SonosController2_864228318.ipa using AppManager as you suggest. Unfortunately, I get

Error: Install failed.   …(a lot more stuff) ... the application does not have a valid signature.

I am left with a SONOS Gold icon on the Ipad home page but it does not run the software.

Does anybody know how to overcome this? I could not follow all the steps on GitHub itunes charles because I did not have a purchase entry as described in the Facebook example so I could not enter the id 864228318 anywhere. Maybe that is the problem. Where are you supposed to enter 864228318 in the Charles program?

You have to have a version of iTunes on the pc that allows download of app files to the PC itself. These are the images of the app with all appropriate info relating to your Apple ID. You then need to login with the Apple ID you use on your phone. Then follow the instructions on GitHub and Charles is used as proxy server , it gets the app request from iTunes , then you edit the request to give it the number of a different binary to get, then Charles forwards it to the App Store. You get back the app file for the old app which is SPECIFIC to your Apple ID, no one using any other Apple ID can use the file.

You have to follow all the instructions and edit the request that Charles intercepts from iTunes and change the version Id of the app requested.Also as I found out, make sure to temp. stop any VPN running as this will interfere with the process.

Thanks for the encouragement jennydeione

I just cannot get it to work. When I get to step 4 in the guide I replace the version string which is populated from the today’s download, which is 866861243, with 864228318 in the XML. 864228318 is the version I downloaded from IPA Archive as instructed.

I have my ipad connected to the USB on a WIndows 11 pc.

I then start AppManager.exe, click Install New, and them selected the downloaded app called com.sonos.SonosController2_864228318.ipa.

I always get an error (ctrl C does not work to copy the error)

Error: Install failed. …. The application does not have a valid signature. Picture below

Why are sonos making it so difficult to use there speakers? This is ridiculous.

Been looking at the issue error 128 (3rd from last line in your pic/gif) it can occur because you have used one type of device (plugged into pc) to download the app and a different one to try to install it on. So app for phone downloaded then tried on iPad. The other thing I noticed was that there is an error saying it is unsigned.

Were you able to install the root cert. for Charles, ok ?

I do remember reading something about Windows 11 issues (when I was doing it myself, had to look up something) but can’t remember exactly what it was, sorry. Would have to search around for the right webpage.

Do you have a windows 10 PC that you could try the download via Charles and plug iPad into and install the app ? You might be able to just try the app install first on a win10 pc but you probably need the Charles cert installed first. before trying, rather than having to do the whole process again.

Hope this helps. Just some avenues to try to resolve the issue. As mentioned in my posts, I had hours of issues until the brainwave of the VPN interfering with the app download came to me. 10 mins later all done. Easy when you know how, like all things. Good luck. Feel free to DM if you’re still stuck 


The Charles certificate is installed. Or at least Windows shows it as installed under Trusted Root Certification Authorities with Expiry Date 19/06/2025. I have tried again to install the old version 864228318 also called 16.1 and always get the same failures. Using iTunes I get “This app cannot be installed becasue the integrity could not be verified”. Using Appmanager I get “ THe application does not have a valid signature”. I also installed the other program suggested called iMazing  and get “This doesn’t seem to be a valid app or it has been tampered.” (I don’t know why but Windows does not let you copy text from error dialogs). THe version 864228318 comes from ipaarchive. I have tried to download a different version today but I am unable to solve any of the capatch it gives me.

The Charles certificate is installed. Or at least Windows shows it as installed under Trusted Root Certification Authorities with Expiry Date 19/06/2025. I have tried again to install the old version 864228318 also called 16.1 and always get the same failures. Using iTunes I get “This app cannot be installed becasue the integrity could not be verified”. Using Appmanager I get “ THe application does not have a valid signature”. I also installed the other program suggested called iMazing  and get “This doesn’t seem to be a valid app or it has been tampered.” (I don’t know why but Windows does not let you copy text from error dialogs). THe version 864228318 comes from ipaarchive. I have tried to download a different version today but I am unable to solve any of the capatch it gives me.

Sorry I didn’t notice your earlier post. 

Have your Sonos speakers updated to the latest 16.3 firmware (11 days ago I think)?

If they have then the old 16.1 app likely will unfortunately no longer work as some have written.


If you still have the older firmware then it should be possible to get the older .ipa and install and use it.

Is “com.sonos.SonosController2_864228318.ipa” the name of the file in c:\users\<User>\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Mobile Applications after you’ve done step 4?

Mine is named “Sonos 16.1” but I might have renamed it after downloading it via the Charles Proxy. From ipa archive you’d just need to check that string 864228318 which you’ve done.

In Step 3 you create the breakpoint. In Step 4 you download the app in iTunes again, the breakpoint then stops the flow and then you Edit Request > XML text with 864228318. I typed that in as copying the string put some extra char and it didn’t load the .ipa correctly at first.

I didn’t have it in Purchased either so just downloaded the app first.


Some might have been also able to use Sideloadly to roll back to the older .ipa. 


I finally got the old Sonos app installed jennydeione . I think the solution was to not use imazing or AppManager and just use Charles and iTunes.


only the settings tab and the annoying unsolicited adverts (now deleted) on the app appear to work. The other tabs are all greyed out. There is a banner saying an app update is required. Maybe the only solution is to factory reset all 9 sonos devices that I have. I do not understand why Sonos want to make it so difficult to use their products. Who would want to buy them now? Sonos appears to be a scam.

I finally got the old Sonos app installed jennydeione . I think the solution was to not use imazing or AppManager and just use Charles and iTunes.


only the settings tab and the annoying unsolicited adverts (now deleted) on the app appear to work. The other tabs are all greyed out. There is a banner saying an app update is required. Maybe the only solution is to factory reset all 9 sonos devices that I have. I do not understand why Sonos want to make it so difficult to use their products. Who would want to buy them now? Sonos appears to be a scam.

My response yesterday wasn’t published. I wrote that if your speakers got updated with the latest firmware (12 days ago) then unfortunately the 16.1 app will no longer work. if you have automatic firmware update enabled in the app’s settings then they very likely did get updated. 

Don’t spend time factory resetting just for that. 

Hi @harry smith and @kpr, bad news I am afraid: the v16.3 firmware released on 16 July blocks the v16.1 app on both Android and iOS. That is what you are seeing with all the buttons grayed out and the “thou shalt update post haste” message. Super disappointing.

OK thanks. We’re doomed.