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Hope someone can help - none of the other similar topics seemed to work for me.

i have a play3 fully up to date and working fine through clunky S2 app. Purchased a oneSL for the next room, specifically so I could group them and play to both simultaneously via airplay. The One also works fine on its own via airplay.

I can enable the “group non-airplay products” slider, but playback still only comes from the One. Note: in the Airplay selection menu on iOS, I don’t see any different group to choose for playback (should I?). It just says Dining Room, just like it does when the grouping option is disabled.

i removed my 5ghz network so both are on the same 2.4 ssid. Both units are well within range of the router; extremely doubtful this is a network issue.

And so I’m out of things to try at this point. Any suggestions would be welcome.



Okay here’s the fix if anyone else hits this:

in the Sonos app, play something. Then select to play to both speakers. That apparently established a group which then is used in other apps when you select Airplay

I seem to remember the Play 3 is not Airplay 2 capable - the One SL is. So you indeed need to use the One SL to start a group in the Sonos app to get the Airplay to the Play 3.

That’s correct, the PLAY:3 was created long before AirPlay 2 was created, and can not be a “target” for AirPlay 2.

Targeting the Sonos One SL using AirPlay 2, then using the Sonos controller to group the PLAY:3 is basically what I’ve done hundreds of times.

That’s correct, the PLAY:3 was created long before AirPlay 2 was created, and can not be a “target” for AirPlay 2.

Targeting the Sonos One SL using AirPlay 2, then using the Sonos controller to group the PLAY:3 is basically what I’ve done hundreds of times.

Any way you’ve found to keep them grouped indefinitely? If it’s been awhile since I’ve played something, only the airplay speaker plays and I have to reopen the s2 app and then start playing back to both. There’s a “group” option in Settings but says it’s only for 3 or more speakers.

Honestly, I’ve never tried, as my groups tend to change frequently. That being said, Sonos groups tend to be there until you either lose power, or in group them in some other fashion (auto play on digital inputs comes to mind). I’ve got my bedroom and bathroom grouped, I don’t remember the last time I needed to re-group them. 

Oh, and further, having just reread your post, you can always ‘group’ any number of Sonos speakers running the same OS. The ‘everywhere’ tag only shows up when there’s three or more. You can certainly ‘group’ two rooms.