Hope someone can help - none of the other similar topics seemed to work for me.
i have a play3 fully up to date and working fine through clunky S2 app. Purchased a oneSL for the next room, specifically so I could group them and play to both simultaneously via airplay. The One also works fine on its own via airplay.
I can enable the “group non-airplay products” slider, but playback still only comes from the One. Note: in the Airplay selection menu on iOS, I don’t see any different group to choose for playback (should I?). It just says Dining Room, just like it does when the grouping option is disabled.
i removed my 5ghz network so both are on the same 2.4 ssid. Both units are well within range of the router; extremely doubtful this is a network issue.
And so I’m out of things to try at this point. Any suggestions would be welcome.