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Firmware update 80.00.04 - is it compatible with 16.1 app ?

  • 14 May 2024
  • 0 replies

My Era 300 suggested firmware update today.
Sonos release notes say that version 80.00.04 has been released 5/13 and adds lossless audio support for Apple Music (Release notes for Sonos software updates | Sonos).
Lossless Apple Music is something what I definitely want to get ASAP but at the same time I want to stay on the old 16.1 Android app until Sonos fixes all the issues with the latest mobile app version.

So before I proceed with FW upgrade to 80.00.04, I need to make sure that it will work flawlessly with the 16.1 Android app.
Can someone of Sonos staff confirm whether they are compatible or not?

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