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Feature request - High Resolution audio streams

  • 14 November 2023
  • 2 replies

I would like to place a feature request for more flexibility regarding Hi Rez music streaming please . As bandwidth restrictions for most  people are not as onerous as in the past, there isn’t a need to brute force restrict streams to only 24/48kHz . 

it would appear that hi rez only gets decoded by Sonos  at the 24/ 48kHz rate if the stream is just that . Anything above that gets downgraded to CD standard .  

Can’t we have the functionality of say Netflix which can assess what a customer’s bandwidth is and then allow program resolution accordingly ?

I’m sure S2 compliant products have hardware more than capable to decode at any rate . It’s a shame it’s not been utilised at the moment . 

Hi @Audiosymbol 

Thank you - I've marked this thread as a feature request and it will be seen by the relevant teams for consideration. Keep the ideas coming!

Thanks Cory..