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I’ve seen a previous post about this from a year ago but no resolution.


I have just noticed that when I add the Billie Eilish album “Happier than ever” to my Sonos queue the tracks that are marked as “Explicit” will not play.  They appear in the playlist but are skipped over and cannot be selected directly.


I have tried:

Checking the setting in the Spotify account:  “Allow playback of explicit rated content” is enabled.

Checking the setting in the Sonos Android app (the new one).  “Filter Explicit Content” is disabled

Swapping to a different Spotify account:  No difference

Re-authorizing the Spotify account:  No change

Deleting and then re-connecting the Spotify account:  No change.


If I play the album in the Spotify App then the Explicit tracks play as I would expect.

If I start playing in the Spotify App and then connect to Sonos via the “Connect to a device” option in the Spotify App then the Explicit tracks play as I would expect.


These tracks used to play, as recently as a couple of weeks ago.  I know this because the track “I didn’t change my number” makes the dog bark every time...


Anyone got any suggestions?


Many thanks.

Sonos doesn’t support Explicit filtering for Spotify within the Sonos App:


As you were.


I’ve just tried to replicate the error and now Sonos is playing the Explicit tracks quite happily.  A temporary misuderstanding between Sonos and Spotify?  One of the fixes that I tried yesterday took time to take hold?  Who knows.  It’s no longer an error.