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Error 1002 Apple Music

  • 2 December 2021
  • 1 reply


I know there is multiple reports about the same kind of issue but i can’t find any solution working.

I cannot play any playlist from Apple Music on my Sonos One. Even the small ones, be it in Shuffle or Normal. I always get the 1002 error code. The problem exists from any Sonos app (Android, iOS, macOS).

Also i have an alarm set for morning using an Apple Music playlist. It works approximately 50% of the times. This is my first Sonos system and that + to the impossibility since MONTHES to connect to Apple Music service from Android app, this is VERY VERY disappointing!

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1 reply

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Hi @jo.mrtns,


Error 1002 indicates a timeout in receiving the music data from the Apple music service. This could be for a wide variety of issues that don’t all have the same solution. I suggest submitting a system diagnostic and getting in touch with our customer care team for some live troubleshooting.