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Does anyone at the company know when the downgrade option will become available?

Would be great to have an answer!

3 replies

This is a user’s forum.  Although Sonos sometimes posts here, you are better off checking the release notes links and release announcements here:

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

To quote your thread title/question “Does anyone at the company know when the downgrade option will become available?” I have to ask: What downgrade option? When/where was it offered? 


Userlevel 7
Badge +23

To quote your thread title/question “Does anyone at the company know when the downgrade option will become available?” I have to ask: What downgrade option? When/where was it offered? 


I believe the OP is after the downgrade-speaker-fimware-to-S1 feature, that went awol in the new mobile app.
