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Controller Update Failure MacOS - Again, and again,....

  • 28 July 2023
  • 5 replies

With the latest update from Sonos, the controller update fails.

I have read the other threads on this topic with the latest one being 7 months old, so I am raising again hoping the more Sonos sees/hears this topic in the public community, the more likely they will be to find a true fix to the issue.

One thread (older) said that if using a shared library, you’d have to wait for a proper fix; all others state to delete the app, download latest version from Sonos and reinstall.  This is a “jinky” “fix”. 

Running MacOS Ventura 13.4.1 and SONOS controller version 15.5 and latest Sonos update (from 25-Jul-2023) fails - see screenshot.


I have had so many problems with Sonos I have considered just abandoning the product, selling the speakers off.  Their answer is always it’s the network and ip addresses.  I’m using a solid fiber network to the house and for the WiFi router I have assigned static IP addresses to my Sonos product, disabled my 5gHz WiFi to ensure all are running consistently on the same channel and WiFi band.  It’s not always the network.  Sonos is the ONLY product I have experienced issues with on my network/wifi.



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5 replies

The usual fix I’ve read online for desktop controllers failing to install, is to first uninstall the existing Sonos App and then install the latest App from the official Sonos site HERE …and on install accept the T&C’s etc. and connect back to the ‘existing’ Sonos system. That tends to sort the types of issue you mentioned.

Userlevel 1

Thank you for the reply.  Yes, I’ve read about and used that fix, multiple times now,.  And that’s more the point; Sonos has not actually done anything to fix it.  I shouldn’t have to uninstall an app, download the latest version, and then do a manual install again.  Then take into account I have installed Sonos on a brand new Macbook, from scratch, and 1st update exact same error show up.  Sonos is the only system I have experienced these issues with and considering the pricetag, I do expect more (I have been told to just not have expectations and then you can’t be disappointed :-) )

With that sai, I do appreciate that you took the time to post a reply. 

Sonos stopped developing the desktop controller App some years ago now and it is really now in what I call ’maintenance mode’ - to the extent the App has had system administration features removed from it.

Most of the Sonos recent development work has been centred around mobile Apps for Android and iOS devices - so I’m not sure much will change with the desktop controller Apps, other than perhaps Sonos will hopefully try to keep them going, perhaps until something new comes along.

I would not expect to see a fix of some things and in all that I’ve read about the App, a quick uninstall/reinstall usually fixes any issues. The majority of Sonos users are undoubtedly using tablets and mobiles these days for controlling their speakers. I guess that’s why the desktop Apps have fallen from favour.


Since 15.6 (and probably earlier but that’s the version I definitely remember starting to get frustrated with) this problem has existed. If they’re not developing the app as suggested above, then why push an upgrade that just frustrates people? The same has happened again this morning with 15.9 to 15.10 upgrade. Very annoying now. :-(

You’ve followed the instructions here?