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Contact Patrick Spence CEO of Sonos

Here is the posted email address for CEO Patrick Spence:


I doubt he personally sees or cares about what we say. But worth a shot. I will say, when a company tells you who they are, it behooves us to listen. Personally I hear Sonos loud and clear, they do not give a hoot about its customers.

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45 replies

Userlevel 2
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Two emails sent. No reply received.

There is no ‘Customer Service’ at Sonos.. at all..!!!

I have just a lengthy email to him. It will be interesting see whether I even get a reply. Meanwhile I'm going to try the "install 16.1 " route.

Just an update further to my prior message and those of others since.

I have, as yet, received no response from Sonos to my email

I have done the update back to 16.1 on an Android tablet. Happened with the greatest of ease. I have now turned off automatic updates. Sequence was

  • Download version 16.1 .apk package (found from a forum page here, happy to share the URL if needed)
  • Uninstall Sonos app (Did nothing to devices, just left all that running)
  • Install package
  • Was prompted to allow install from unknown sources, which I accepted
  • After opening, chose option to “Join existing system”
  • Entered username (email) and password
  • Went in to Sonos/Settings/System/System Settings/System Updates/Turn off Update Automatically.
  • Changed back Android setting for allowing install from unknown sources
  • Hey presto, all working! Took less than 5 minutes. A pretty non-technical set of steps which I advise anyone to do if Sonos are not going to offer us a rollback.
  • I have a system, which can see my Library etc etc. All working smoothly
  • Will just refuse any updates offered by Sonos going forward

(FYI I have left version 80 running on my Android phone for the time being to see what happens with it)


This worked fine for a few days, and now does not work. the app tells me an update is REQUIRED and will no longer function. The update sucks and I wont’ use it. The (formerly) working app no longer works. Anyone else get this same problem?

Yes unfortunately i have to report that, despite having Automatic Updates turned off, the system overrode my wishes and updated itself up to the new version

COME ON SONOS, PLAY FAIR! If we choose to stay as we are until there is a usable update to the new version, we should be allowed to do so. You can choose to  make it technically awkward for us to operate if we want, but you must allow us to do so. We are the customers, you are (only) the suppliers.

Userlevel 2
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Is there a  16.1 iOS version?!! 😬

Guten Tag

Der neue App ist der totale Reinfall. Der wecker mit individuellen Wochentage, Sender und Zeiteinstellungen wurde einfa h gelöscht(nicht mehr verfügbar) Was geht in einem 🤡 Programmierer ab der solch gute Elemente einfach ignoriert? Im gleichen Zug den Einschlaftimer ausradiert. Sollten diese Elemente die in der alten App angeboten wurde nicht wieder verfügbar sein ist SONOS für mich gestorben😬. Der Nutzer wird wieder einmal verarscht.

Userlevel 2
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Yes, we’ve all been conned and they’re getting away with it!!

Userlevel 6
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Sonos are Gaslighting their customer base.

We were betrayed

Userlevel 6
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Yes, we’ve all been conned and they’re getting away with it!!


Userlevel 7
Badge +15

Yes, we’ve all been conned and they’re getting away with it!!

I’m not sure Sonos’ biggest PR own-goal in their history and a damaged reputation from a continual barrage of tens of thousands of complaints is ‘getting away with it’.

Userlevel 2
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I live on the 4th floor. I’m considering throwing my ‘one’, ‘five’ and ‘move’ out the window!

Yes, we’ve all been conned and they’re getting away with it!!

I’m not sure Sonos’ biggest PR own-goal in their history and a damaged reputation from a continual barrage of tens of thousands of complaints is ‘getting away with it’.

The IT press has barely covered this story, and have generally minimised the scale of the protest.  They have however hailed the introduction of the ACE headphones.  The whole affair is not much more than a storm in a teacup in the wider info technology & audio technology worlds.

Userlevel 2
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It would be so easy to solve by re-introducing the previous version. Let people choose between an app that works and one that doesn’t.

Userlevel 6
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It would be so easy to solve by re-introducing the previous version. Let people choose between an app that works and one that doesn’t.

Most users askaed that but the stubborn CEO said we should adapt 

Userlevel 2
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So it’s HIS choice?!!!

Userlevel 6
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So it’s HIS choice?!!!


Userlevel 2
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There must something that can be done from a legal point of view..!

They can’t sell you loads of expensive kit and then take the app away leaving it useless!!!!

The apps on my iPhone, my partner’s iPhone, my MacBook and iPad can’t find my Sonos system and hasn’t been able to for two days!

Userlevel 2

I was a happy sonos lover since my first ZP100 device in January 2005. In the meantime i have invest around € 25000 in this company. But the worse Quality of the App and getting a for 50% working ACE plus the complete ignorance of the problems decided to change my mind about sonos.   

Userlevel 2
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It’s really criminal!

It would be so easy to solve by re-introducing the previous version. Let people choose between an app that works and one that doesn’t.

Most users askaed that but the stubborn CEO said we should adapt 

I think he said we WOULD adapt. He has ridden this change VERY rough-shod over his user base. But I am entirely sure we won't forget. For the long-standing users, Sonos have done this to us twice. Firstly the S1 vs S2 debacle and now  this. He has broken our trust. I, for one, will think twice or more before any further investment in Sonos infrastructure. I was going to buy the new headphones, being someone who has chased them for a long time. But I probably now won't. There are other solutions to this use case. Maybe not as slick but without the potential of this sort of thing being done to one.

Userlevel 2
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It’s mad! Why would they destroy their own company? It’s suicide, everyone is feeling the same. No one trusts Sonos anymore and they just launch a new product with a new app that doesn’t work! 
The frustrating thing is, it could be rectified by re-releasing the previous version. 

Its more than just missing features, the app doesn't work in every aspect, features mean nothing if we cant even properly connect our $$$$$$ systems.

Maddening, frustrating among many other adjectives ill leave out!!!