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I have 2 homes, with a different wifi network in each.  (Actually, 2 in each, using extenders.)

We have an old Sonos system which requires the Sonos 1 app on one of the networks.  We have a newer Sonos One (voice activated) which works on the Sonos 2 app on the Wifi network in our vacation home.

I have a new Sonos One SL and a new Sonos Roam, which I would like to configure in one home, but then move to the other.  I can’t add them to the Sonos 1 app because they are not compatible.

Can I create a new connection for the Sonos 2 app, using a network in my main home, even though it’s currently configured for the vacation home?

Am I even making any sense?

The answer is ‘yes’ the S2 App supports multiple systems - each system at each location can (if you want) be setup using different Household ID’s, but personally I would go about this in a slightly different way.

i would take the Roam etc. to the vacation Home and add it to the S2 system there. Whilst there add your home network WiFi SSID/Credentials to the network settings of the S2 App and specifically to the Sonos Roam and then when you return to your main Home with the Sonos App and the Roam, if you open the S2 App there, just your Roam will appear in that App.

I hope that makes sense to you too… Note: you can add up-to 16 WiFi networks to your Roam and S2 Household at the vacation Home.

Note too, If you do add your Home WiFi network to the Roam and your S2 system at the vacation home, you can go onto add the Home WiFi network to all your S2 devices - so if you ever bring any of those devices home with your Roam etc; they will work on your Home WiFi too with your current S2 App.

I had the Roam delivered to my home.  Can I follow your suggestion in reverse?  That is, set it up at home first with an S2 system, and then add the vacation network when we are back there in August?

Also, do I add the different network to the S2 app?  Or to the device?

I had the Roam delivered to my home.  Can I follow your suggestion in reverse?  That is, set it up at home first with an S2 system, and then add the vacation network when we are back there in August?

Not really, because if you create a new S2 system at your main Home now and add the vacation WiFi to it at any stage, then it doesn’t merge/join the new system with the ‘existing’ vacation home S2 system when you get to the vacation Home, it will just operate as two separate systems and you may find it causes you problems when opening the controller App as it will select a system to connect to. Ideally you want them all as one system/household. 

That’s not to say that you couldn’t perhaps set them up now, just on a temporary basis, and then set them up later (in August) again, from factory state, to add them to your vacation home system. You would need to reset the S2 App too of course (twice) - once to create the temporary system at Home now - and second, when you arrive at the vacation Home in August, to connect the App back to the original S2 System there.. and then go onto add your FR speakers afterwards.

I already have the S2 app on my iPhone, which works an existing Sonos device at the vacation home. But it looks for that network, which is not active. (We unplugged the Sonos device when we left.)  if I add my home network to the same account, will that work? 


I already have the S2 app on my iPhone, which works an existing Sonos device at the vacation home. But it looks for that network, which is not active. (We unplugged the Sonos device when we left.)  if I add my home network to the same account, will that work? 

No, not until you are at the vacation home - unless you have one of the existing/setup speakers from that system with you now at Home?

Note that the controller is merely a view as to the system running on the speakers, and doesn’t store any significant data, such as playlists, streaming sources, etc. it only shows what is on the speakers it is connected to, which is why @Ken_Griffiths is suggesting the process above. 

So if my iPhone moves to different locations with different networks, the Sonos app(s) should theoretically “find” the Sonos devices on that network? 

Yes. If it’s on the same subnet, the controller should  find the Sonos system. 

Just like if you had two TVs of the same type, one in both locations. The same remote work work with both. 

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