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 I have CBC Radio & Music in my connected services on the Sonos app. After the app update yesterday it stopped working.

  • I’ve uninstalled this in my connected services and re-installed it, but that did nothing.
  • I checked another radio station (NRK) and that seems to be working fine. 

This is what the app shows when I select my CBC station to play. After selecting “Play” it just spins. 


It looks like Sonos cares as much about the CBC issue as it does about the other issues caused by the update--which is to say, not at all. In the meantime I'm finding the mytunerRadio service a better way than TuneIn to listen to CBC on the updated app on my iPad. No annoying ad.  I have downgraded to the old app on my Android devices and CBC works fine on the old versions

I am having the same problem 

I’m using MyTuner Radio to access CBC Radio works fine and ad free, but would prefer to use the CBC app. 

I’ve resorted to using the CBC listen app and using AirPlay to connect with speakers. I didn’t know TuneIn was an option (but I really dislike TuneIn)

How do you connect to Airplay? Using the Sonos speaker?! I miss my CBC

You can listen to CBC Radio One on the TuneIn service.  You get an ad when you first play it but after that it's ad-free.

Do I use TuneIn within the Sonos app? 

I too can’t access CBC Music on the new app. Fortunately, I still have the older app on my other device and was able to access and play CBC Music with no problem. It’s definitely a problem with the new app. This is one of the many problems with the new app. I am not going to update the Sonos app on my other device until all of the problems get sorted out. 

I’ve resorted to using the CBC listen app and using AirPlay to connect with speakers. I didn’t know TuneIn was an option (but I really dislike TuneIn)

How do you connect to Airplay? Using the Sonos speaker?! I miss my CBC

You can listen to CBC Radio One on the TuneIn service.  You get an ad when you first play it but after that it's ad-free.

Do I use TuneIn within the Sonos app? 

Yes, use the TuneIn service within the app and then search for CBC Radio One.

Yes, you can get CBC Radio One through TuneIn but you can’t access CBC Radio Two or CBC Music

Sonos, please fix this. The CBC problem continues. If the CBC service still works fine with older versions  of your software on Android and the third-party SonoPad app on the iPad, surely it should be able to work on the latest version of your troubled app.

Having the same problem with the new app. Think they missed QA testing for this feature. AirPlaying from my phone via the CBC app until they fix it. 

Connect gen1, TuneIn, some stations stream is garbled, sounds like a compression handshake issue.  Station starts and song details come thru but sound is undistinguishable.  Problem stations stream fine thru Spotify, Web app etc 


Some stations work just fine, frustrating 

Same issue here. This new Sonos app is horrible. We're going to look at getting rid of Sonos and get something else that at least will play the two stations we actually listen to. Currently our Sonos One is a useless brick.

Similar issues here. I can bring up the CBC radio Service, but it no longer shows the music streams which is what I am after (specifically the jazz music stream). Absolutely available in the old app and I used it all the time. This new app is a bit of a user interface hot mess (I'll eventually get used to how things are laid out, but it's super annoying how different Windows will pop up than where you just were a moment ago after you close another window, etc) But losing access to streaming services that were there 2 days ago is a bit maddening. 

I am pulling this from Canada, on the latest version of Android on a Pixel 8.


No CBC Radio with the recent App update! Come on SONOS!
We invested in your products because of the previously seamless flexibility.

CBC is an important part of our household!

As someone else suggested, the CBC Music service works using the PC desktop app and I have found that you can use the new mobile app to control the volume and stop/start.

I wrote the following to

Hey Patrick,


It would be great if someone at Sonos would respond to all of the requests and comments regarding the failure of the new Sonos mobile control app to work with the CBC Music service.


Very discouraging when app “upgrades” such as this are rolled out without sufficient testing and de-bugging. I’ve come to expect better from Sonos.


 I have CBC Radio & Music in my connected services on the Sonos app. After the app update yesterday it stopped working.

  • I’ve uninstalled this in my connected services and re-installed it, but that did nothing.
  • I checked another radio station (NRK) and that seems to be working fine. 

This is what the app shows when I select my CBC station to play. After selecting “Play” it just spins. 


So frustrating!

I contacted CBC just to see what they’d see and this was their response 



I contacted CBC just to see what they’d see and this was their response 



I have a feeling the person at CBC might be confused. In any event, this can be nothing but a Sonos problem because CBC stations still work on all Sonos apps except the latest update. All CBC stations can be played on the old app and via the web app, as well as through SonoPad, a third-party Sonos app for the iPad. For that matter, it also works on the Sonos TuneIn service and the Sonos mytunerRadio service. 

Same issue. Tunein works but you have to suffer through the ads. I'm not generally a paranoid person but by defaulting to Tunein Sonos will generate income for Sonos. It's also generally a terrible App update. I find it way more difficult to navigate. 

Tunein works but you have to suffer through the ads. 

That's why I've been using mytunerRadio for CBC while this problem persists. No ads.

I actually went and dug out my old radio.  FM 99.1 in Toronto works great! Still no alarm or timer, so sort of like Sonos.

I actually went and dug out my old radio.  FM 99.1 in Toronto works great! Still no alarm or timer, so sort of like Sonos.

I'm a Canadian who lives in Brazil. No CBC on the radio here, lol. That's why I appreciated the Sonos CBC service until the update sent it into oblivion.

Hi @SaraCG et al,

I had raised this thread with our team where playback fails when using the CBC Radio & Music service on Sonos and have received word back that an issue was raised. I don’t have an ETA on when this will be resolved but it is being looked into.

From what I’ve read in the thread and what I’ve been told by our team, the best workaround currently is to stream CBC Radio stations through another radio service. myTuner Radio seems to be the best option currently, but Tunein is also an option.

I’ve tagged this thread as having the issue and will update with any new information I receive.

Hi @SaraCG et al,

I had raised this thread with our team where playback fails when using the CBC Radio & Music service on Sonos and have received word back that an issue was raised. I don’t have an ETA on when this will be resolved but it is being looked into.

Thank you for confirming that Sonos is aware of the issue. I hope this isn't one of these things that will be scheduled for a fix in June or July, instead of now. There are already far too many of those.


Completely agree.  I travel quite a bit and usually take my Roam with me.  

This update is quite frustrating as is the lack of response from Sonos.

I was considering the long awaited Sonos headphones, but those are off the list now.

Having the exact same issue with any CBC streams, even those that I had favourited.  I have the new app, but my wife hasn’t updated hers yet.  Does not work on mine, but does work on hers. Sonos product management team, please put this high on your Jira sprint board priority list and have your QA team do proper testing on ALL streams prior to deploying the app for general release.  This isn’t the first time I’ve had issues with CBC streams, even in the old app.  Even if the stream URLs from CBC need occasional updating, it should be a rather simple QA process fix via test automation folks!  PLEASE don’t force me to suffer through TuneIn ads as an alternative.