Within the last week (assuming since updating to 80.02.04) I’m unable to group other Rooms to my Era 300 line-source. This behavior exists on both 300’s I have. When trying to physically group, or add from the app, the music from the input speaker drops and the other speaker tries to connect and eventually fails. The app displays ‘Unable to connect. try again later’ error. The music returns to the input speaker when the failure occurs. I have tried increasing audio delay and this behavior works on both WiFi and Ethernet connected speakers. I’ve confirmed this is not due to a loss of WAN (which shouldn’t affect this kind of playback, but seems like it will with new architecture) and all speaker connectivity is approximately -50 dBm or connected via Ethernet.
This is new—frustrating—behavior with no change in my network settings/configs. Anybody seeing similar connectivity, or lack thereof?