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Like a couple of others here I am having trouble adding services on the Sonos S1 controller. I have both apps - S2 is working fine. From settings in S1, I go to services and voice, then add a service and I just a blank list with the wheel of death.

Happens on both mobile and ipad. Have checked address in my Sonos account is correct. All upgrades applied to mobile and ipad. S1 version 11.9. Have hard rebooted both mobile phone and ipad, reset router (but S2 is OK so shouldn’t be a factor).

My system is all wi-fi, older devices, connect:amps and 2 play 5s.

The hours of my life I have spent getting all these Sonos devices to work!!

I have exactly the same issue. When I go to add music service, nothing comes up at all.

i had to remove YouTube music to change account, but now I cannot add it back.

Same experince , tech acted like it was a “known” issue, had me remove services and now I cannot get them back on. Do not remove the services you have until a known fix, if fixed. 

This is detailed in other threads. Use the PC or Mac controller to add new services to an S1 system until Sonos fix their mobile apps.

Your amazing! Got my life back, thank you! 

Remind me - how and where do you download/get the Mac controller?

A quick Google search turned up this page:

…cannot add Apple Music through Mac app. Have to use iOS 

Hi @GhinnMum 

We now consider this issue resolved. Please ensure your Sonos system is up to date.

If you continue to see this issue, please get in touch with our technical support team for assistance.